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TorchBeak's NBALM WorkBook!

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Rookie 1
Here is the link to the WorkBook Website:



Pro 1
Great work. Cheers.

Used the old one a lot. Still haven't managed to understand the new format. How do I select just SF's, for example? Or order the players by highest 3pt rating?
(Maybe I'm missing something obvious. If someone can point me in the right direction it would be very appreciated.)


All-Star 1
Great work. Cheers.

Used the old one a lot. Still haven't managed to understand the new format. How do I select just SF's, for example? Or order the players by highest 3pt rating?
(Maybe I'm missing something obvious. If someone can point me in the right direction it would be very appreciated.)

You have to create custom filters and then use the sort criteria within the filter.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Great work. Cheers.

Used the old one a lot. Still haven't managed to understand the new format. How do I select just SF's, for example? Or order the players by highest 3pt rating?
(Maybe I'm missing something obvious. If someone can point me in the right direction it would be very appreciated.)

You have to create a copy of the spreadsheet (click "export" then "make a copy") then in the column you want to filter hold onto the column headliner and an option menu will pop just select "sort from A-Z" or "sort from Z-A" you do that to narrow your results even more by doing that to additional columns so you can focus on (for example) Bulls SGs with the highest 3pt rating


Rookie 1
Updated with a Glossary Tab and a Filter Guide Tab.
The Filter Guide Tab will show you how to create filters to narrow your searches.
Please download a copy of the WorkBook first.
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