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Top 100 League Recruiting For Season 3


Rookie 1
Hi everyone

We are currently 95th (186W / 102L) with 11 h to go in Season 2 and are looking to recruit a few players to our league for Season 3.

The league has been around since Season 1 and we have had a great bunch of people this season with every member posting over 50 tournaments and over 11 of us who posted over 150 tournaments.

There are only 2 rules:
1. Play both of your quarters daily regardless of the score (unless you message to say you can't play in the chat)
2. You must be continually trying to improve your line ups.

We don't have margins, we don't use another messaging app.

A lot of us message daily in the in game chat to help each other out and some people post scores so we celebrate those that do well and try help those who are struggling. We have people from all over the world including Australia / New Zealand / Croatia / Albania / Greece / Italy / UK / Canada / America / India.

The league name is Mile High League. I inherited the commissioner role at the...
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