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Thoughts on upcoming certified Draymond Green?


Rookie 1
hey guys, was wonder what your thoughts are on the certified Draymond Green. wondering from others experience what it's like to use him at the PF position. my main worry is that his height will be a disadvantage being only at 6'7". been grinding the certified event and i've collected around 450 of the tokens in hopes to get one of the upcoming players (may not even be draymond). totally wanted AD but unfortunately he's pack exclusive.

thanks guys!
I haven?t used Draymond in S2 but his cards were always good in S1. I wouldn?t worry too much about him being undersized. It?s nice to have a tall PF but rebounding in this game is determined by positioning. Whoever is closest to the ball will grab it regardless of size or ability. Draymond was always fun to use manually because of his ability to make a play either on offense or defense. I really enjoyed using him.

The thing is you?ll have about a week to use him. They seem pretty determined to end the season on time this year and roll out Season 3 so my advice is to decide whether you really want Draymond in your lineup.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I don?t think his cards are as glorified as last season.

I think that has to do with his stats falling compared to last season because last season his cards had decent 3pt ratings at lower overalls while this season they were relatively low as with his athleticism etc. Like with many players that were stars then became average in this game on paper at least


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