Well we can go back and forth about this a lot and there are fair points on each side but one thing I will comment about is the auction house. Bots are annoying. There were really annoying last year and the tax was insane for a while. But... I absolutely hated the bs and rigging that was in the auction house in season 1. People would buy coins on all these bs sites and stack their teams and leagues. I saw the "gifting" as basically a shortcut to cheating. Where scrub players would be able to buy a sick card for nothing and have a chance to beat you just bc they had artificial AI and OVR when I am grinding my a$$ off in the auction house and grinding my a$$ off even more in the games. To be able to bypass that with some rigged auction was something I am happy was abolished.
The presents are my favorite part of the game. I hope they do that for Easter again bc that may have been my all time favorite promo across 3 seasons with the eggs and baskets. I think it is great that you can sell them again for winter that is huge.
In summary, the fact that voices are listening to us is what i think will eventually separate S3 from S1.
Well we're gonna have to agree to disagree because imho any season where EA sells coins, has an AH bot, and pack limits for packs that are always around can never touch season 1 even in its wildest dreams but the best period in the entire game for the most fun gameplay is in the soft launch from February of 2016 until July of 2016 when you could build a lineup however you wanted
But one thing we can all agree both are better then season 2 by a mile