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Pro 2
Stewie if this should be move to the glitched thread, please move this. It seems, tho, that shooting is so nerfed right now it deserves its own thread.

What I have observed - since the last big nerf of one week ago - effectively nerfing the boost items and ovr’s, shooting has been worse. Since the app update Tuesday, shooting got even worse, much worse, especially corner 3s.

What I’ve heard - (1) corner 3s were intentionally nerfed by EA (or, all 3 shooting was intentionally nerfed by EA). This idea is based on the notion EA is trying to make the game more “realistic.” Yeah, good luck with this if it’s true. (2) it was an unintended mistake by EA with the app update and changing the shot meter. This one is based on waiting for EA to fix it.

I haven’t a clue. I just know shooting is at a 5 season low. Even the very best players (that’s not me BTW) are struggling with it. The game is basically unplayable right now. The contested shot deal (even when they are 8 feet...
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Rookie 1
My opinion is this - EA already ruined competitive modes enough, players stats mean nothing. Game is just card collection. if it continues bad shooting to move it to "kinda realistic" state I demand EA nerf AI of opponent as well , because right now it amazes me with contested stepback 3pts by AI center, also in another lvl round my top players got outrebounded 10 times in a row (I had 2 ovr better team).
For me- no more point of spending for upgrading your players fast, in a week later EA gives similar positions player f2p


Rookie 2
Stewie if this should be move to the glitched thread, please move this. It seems, tho, that shooting is so nerfed right now it deserves its own thread.

What I have observed - since the last big nerf of one week ago - effectively nerfing the boost items and ovr’s, shooting has been worse. Since the app update Tuesday, shooting got even worse, much worse, especially corner 3s.

What I’ve heard - (1) corner 3s were intentionally nerfed by EA (or, all 3 shooting was intentionally nerfed by EA). This idea is based on the notion EA is trying to make the game more “realistic.” Yeah, good luck with this if it’s true. (2) it was an unintended mistake by EA with the app update and changing the shot meter. This one is based on waiting for EA to fix it.

I haven’t a clue. I just know shooting is at a 5 season low. Even the very best players (that’s not me BTW) are struggling with it. The game is basically unplayable right now. The contested shot deal (even when they are 8 feet away and just reach out their arm) is more aggressive. I tend to lean towards the my default position - this idiot team just screwed up again . But if it’s intentional that fits too. What distinguished this game from the much slower and maybe more “realistic” 2k Mobile is NBALM was it is fast. A run and gun game. Fast & furious. If they are going towards more “realism,” then we are f###ed. They will never pull it off.

Would like to hear your thoughts/possible solutions.
I agree. definitely harder to make three's now. Even on near perfect shots with a few OVR advantage is a challenge ever since the new meter came out. What I dont understand is if the devs want to keep the game "realistic" then they are not watching the game in real life. Real NBA these days shoot more 3's than ever and some teams even attempt more 3's than 2's. Why nerf the 3's in game when everyone wants to be Steph, luka, trae., heck even the bigs have evolve to be shooters as well. Devs gotta know their product. SMDFH


All-Star 1
Stewie if this should be move to the glitched thread, please move this. It seems, tho, that shooting is so nerfed right now it deserves its own thread.

What I have observed - since the last big nerf of one week ago - effectively nerfing the boost items and ovr’s, shooting has been worse. Since the app update Tuesday, shooting got even worse, much worse, especially corner 3s.

What I’ve heard - (1) corner 3s were intentionally nerfed by EA (or, all 3 shooting was intentionally nerfed by EA). This idea is based on the notion EA is trying to make the game more “realistic.” Yeah, good luck with this if it’s true. (2) it was an unintended mistake by EA with the app update and changing the shot meter. This one is based on waiting for EA to fix it.

I haven’t a clue. I just know shooting is at a 5 season low. Even the very best players (that’s not me BTW) are struggling with it. The game is basically unplayable right now. The contested shot deal (even when they are 8 feet away and just reach out their arm) is more aggressive. I tend to lean towards the my default position - this idiot team just screwed up again . But if it’s intentional that fits too. What distinguished this game from the much slower and maybe more “realistic” 2k Mobile is NBALM was it is fast. A run and gun game. Fast & furious. If they are going towards more “realism,” then we are f###ed. They will never pull it off.

Would like to hear your thoughts/possible solutions.
My first thought was accidental....because anytime they screw with the Shot meter, something gets out of whack. But maybe the shit job they've been doing (aka - hosing their customers) has actually resulted in the $ spigot going dry all of a sudden. I'm for sure no longer giving them any of my earnings. Maybe they did it intentionally and they're new big idea is some new "deep ball boost item" that we'll have to pay for. I can see that. I can see that clear as Day tbh 😐


All-Star 1
Stewie if this should be move to the glitched thread, please move this. It seems, tho, that shooting is so nerfed right now it deserves its own thread.

What I have observed - since the last big nerf of one week ago - effectively nerfing the boost items and ovr’s, shooting has been worse. Since the app update Tuesday, shooting got even worse, much worse, especially corner 3s.

What I’ve heard - (1) corner 3s were intentionally nerfed by EA (or, all 3 shooting was intentionally nerfed by EA). This idea is based on the notion EA is trying to make the game more “realistic.” Yeah, good luck with this if it’s true. (2) it was an unintended mistake by EA with the app update and changing the shot meter. This one is based on waiting for EA to fix it.

I haven’t a clue. I just know shooting is at a 5 season low. Even the very best players (that’s not me BTW) are struggling with it. The game is basically unplayable right now. The contested shot deal (even when they are 8 feet away and just reach out their arm) is more aggressive. I tend to lean towards the my default position - this idiot team just screwed up again . But if it’s intentional that fits too. What distinguished this game from the much slower and maybe more “realistic” 2k Mobile is NBALM was it is fast. A run and gun game. Fast & furious. If they are going towards more “realism,” then we are f###ed. They will never pull it off.

Would like to hear your thoughts/possible solutions.
It's funny because I've been using Harden for manual play and a couple days ago I started seeing him make everything from the wing. So I kept going with it but I thought it was just a good spot for Harden. Then I watched your video and realized that it's the NEW spot. I've never played a game like this one where there are just unexplainable gameplay changes all the time.


Rookie 1
I think EA tries its hard to make sure top guys keep spending...By nerfing, they create a phycological need to constantly upgrade someone's team.

As far as nerfing shooting, i don't care....There are guys who were scoring...+50/60 points and now they will score little bit less....but it will be same for everyone....

what pisses me off a lot, is lets say when facing a team 6 ovr lower than you and opponent's AI almost outplaying you..

that's a slap in your face.... EA should tone it down.


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