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The new weekly login calendar


Pro 1
Great to have a new calendar


the 2nd day pack seems to be the one available for 249 cash in the store

is the 5th day pack surely the one of the 6 tip-off tokens or were there other packs with that design?

while the others have a proper timer, the 6th day is already saying we missed that one for some reason (Pr?mio perdido means lost prize). Hopefully it won't be a problem when we get there

ps. the translation folks seem to need some help again :)
I got this on different days on my alt and main. Today I opened the Tip-off pack on my alt and got the first day rewards on my main.


Pro 1
I got this on different days on my alt and main. Today I opened the Tip-off pack on my alt and got the first day rewards on my main.

do you mean the order is not the same for all (ex. the tip-off pack I have at 5 was at 1 in your alt), or did you get both 1 & 2 already in your alt?
They really are improving the rewards, not bad EA. 2 more days for what looks like could be a Halloween elite.

I know we still have 7 days to go, but I know some people like to time their level up to occur the next day, but you may not want to do that the day before the 200 stamina bonus because unless you're like level 10 you will lose most of the benefit due to the 500 stamina cap. Obviously if they just remove the cap we have nothing to worry about but I don't think they've done that,yet.


Pro 1
Yes, 10 collectibles. Are your rewards in a different order?

Edit, just saw you said you got 100 Stamina. interesting

I'm one day behind. I think I've seen Brian saying that 30% of the userbase was a day behind in these rewards. It seems confirmed I'm one of them,


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