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The cost of training Elevate cards has risen


It's actually a shit deal by them to do this. All the players that could easily afford to buy the tokens and pay the level up fee before adjustment got 1-2 85 cards with no problem. Where as the folks that were going to grind the event and/or couldn't buy those elite tokens from the store get screwed even harder by the raised price.

This is basically the opposite of Embiid, lol. All the top players with cash/coins already bought their 85s, EA, you're only making it harder for the people in the middle and lower.
The EA giveth, the EA taketh away.

They saw your posts about it being too easy :lol: :lol: :lol:

In all seriousness, that would mean they want at least 500K from 80-85, right? (unless they just bumped it to make it 80 and lowered it back to how it was originally)
I'm seeing 50K (not that it's much better than 75) from 79-80. Haven't spent it yet.

Here's a ss:


(Edit, didn't see G2's post)


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
It is a "mistake" apparently


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If I had to bet money, I'd guess based on his recent tweets that's just gonna be the new price. He really cant understand why some would be....confused/upset/(insert feeling here) about the increase from 6K to 50k? In an AH where you can't make any money from elites? Do they really think those coin packs are a good value???? (I guess this would entirely be determined by how many they've sold, for all we know they're flying out the store at that jacked up price)


Rookie 1
The cumulative cost of these elevate cards will be huge if it?s kept at 59k for the 80. People often forget all the coins they spent to get to that point! Quite a clever way to do it because if you?re grinding to get the level up, you?ll spend the coins once you?ve got the TP. Better to charge 1k, 2k, 5k etc etc incrementally than charge 300-400k (whatever the total will be) for the 85 in the first place.
They really tried to charge 50K for 79-80, then make it 100K for 80-81 lmfaoooooo. That's incredible. Then 150 for 81-82. That would have been 300k just from 79-82 for a card you had to grind stamina to get training points. If I wanted to drop 300k on an 82 PF or PG I could just go to the AH.


Rookie 1
lol.. EA's planned "mistakes" = spending more stamina/coins, they'll fix them after day or 2 but what was lost by some users, is lost.


btw look at 80 Russ stats, this card feels like 76-77 from inside stats (at best), so the old cost + all stamina needed for it is still a lot for such a bench-card.
lol.. EA's planned "mistakes" = spending more stamina/coins, they'll fix them after day or 2 but what was lost by some users, is lost.


btw look at 80 Russ stats, this card feels like 76-77 from inside stats (at best), so the old cost + all stamina needed for it is still a lot for such a bench-card.

Makes you wonder what's going on over there....Embiid has been changed twice already. EA, we won't buy those ridiculous coin packs. We just won't upgrade the players, that simple!!!


Rookie 1
I seen the fully trained versions of the 70ovr ones and theres no point in wasting stamina and coins on these cards, unless you want higher ovr. The 85 Westbrook is really like an 82, he is barely better in stats than Base Westbrook.
I seen the fully trained versions of the 70ovr ones and theres no point in wasting stamina and coins on these cards, unless you want higher ovr. The 85 Westbrook is really like an 82, he is barely better in stats than Base Westbrook.

I like the Elevate program. I enjoy seeing my progress through leveling up instead of sticking tokens in sets. I don't expect that free, grindable players will have stats that compare to the p2w content but I'm sure as hell not getting an 85 OVR anytime soon from promos.

Besides stats have no bearing on whether I win a Showdown/LvL quarter 21-8, 17-7 or 14-7. And they won't stop the AI controlled Westbrook from blowing past me for a layup.


Rookie 3

the fact that we f2p's are getting some crumbs is satisfying, and i dont mind using all my stamina on these freebies :)


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