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The content this season

Since the Head of the Content team lurks here and has posted a couple of times I thought we could get this attention.

By and large, I think the content thus far has been pretty good. I like the attention to detail and there is clearly plenty of effort being put in on the design end.

However, I do think that a lot of users have burned through the campaigns and now have little to do except for Daily Objectives and the Jeff Green blitz.

To that end, we need regular weekly programs like TOTW, Legendary, and Specialists. Weekly campaigns and daily store exclusives are no match for regular weekly programs.

Please rethink the current strategy.
Are we just going to ignore the fact that showdown is now top 100 only, and that top 1000 players probably have to pay 20$ to get these "exclusive" players? There isn't even much of a point to play SD anymore, unless its for rep.


Rookie 1
yeah totally agree. i think having pack exclusives (that are nearly impossible pull) be the only option to obtain good players is an unsustainable and unhealthy model for the game. right now we're having "highs" (pulling pack exclusive players) that cost hundreds of dollars, that only last in your line-up for a week since better players come out the following. instead, this game should feature more season long sets and ways for players to unlock characters as they progress and play for long periods of times like master sets. for example, as a f2p player, i very much enjoyed having impact players for each team. it made me rep and have options to build decent players. instead, i feel like i have to chase and be limited to what i have time to play weekly. i understand why this is the case but i think this game should expand and find structure and continuity.

however, i have enjoyed playing the beginning of this season. seeing new content, interface, and game features such as campaign gave excitement for things to WORK towards. however, the sets are absolutely impossible to complete given that it's the beginning of the season, limited coins for lottery balls, the RNG, the campaign grinding is only to unlock silver players. personally, i'm an optimistic person when playing this game despite my opinions and i hope that things turn out positively. if there's something i want i'll grind for it but i'm really against spending large amounts of money. anyways, hope an EA rep sees this!
There is not enough stamina to do all of that right now.
Last season there wasnt weekly programs until after 1 month

Last season they introduced Swag and the Legendary program within the first few days.

My concern is that they haven't learned from their mistakes. They started last season off by messing with the AH and introducing store exclusive cards. Surely, someone on the NBALM team recalls that they had to revamp the initial TOTW and Legendary programs due to the ridiculous set demands. Don't make the same mistake twice, EA!

To be fair, the season has started early this year and we should probably expect this sort of content closer to tip-off. This is just the preseason (hopefully.)
There is not enough stamina to do all of that right now.
Last season there wasnt weekly programs until after 1 month

Last season they introduced Swag and the Legendary program within the first few days.

My concern is that they haven't learned from their mistakes. They started last season off by messing with the AH and introducing store exclusive cards. Surely, someone on the NBALM team recalls that they had to revamp the initial TOTW and Legendary programs due to the ridiculous set demands. Don't make the same mistake twice, EA!

To be fair, the season has started early this year and we should probably expect this sort of content closer to tip-off. This is just the preseason (hopefully.)

You're right. I didnt remember Swag.

But anyways I would wait a few weeks. There is a lot of space in the NBA Today section for more programs...
I agree last season was a hard season cause the all star promo became pay to win and the swag events there are hard cause you need a certain ovr to get the live event by the way season one was the best all promos are grindable


Rookie 1
It's early days still but all in all this drives a much wider gap between a team that a P2W vs F2P can achieve.

Ways at a F2P's disposal to improve their team has been drastically scaled back via the AH caps and difficulty in building decent players. Showdown rewards only for top 100 adds to this dynamic.

My question would be whether these are actually "mistakes" by EA or part of a coherent strategy to move the game in this direction.

Hoping that's not the case and we get better promos and content as we progress.


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