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"The Auction House is currently unavailable. Please try again later.”


Pro 1
For the last ~36 hours I?ve been getting this message when I try to access My Bids. A lot of the times I also get this same message when I try to access My Auctions. The Browse and Search parts of the AH work just fine.

This means I can?t get my bids back. I must have about 500 bids waiting to be collected, but I can?t get access.

Does anyone else has this problem? Do you know if it?s something EA intends to correct or if it made on purpose? (If it?s on purpose it mostly ruins the AH for me, which means that the 2K app will be an option for next season.)

Thanks... cheers.


All-Star 1
Most likely too many listings. Would help for someone from AH2 to comment if they?re having any issues as from time to time the AH?s do glitch.


Rookie 1
Would uninstalling and reinstalling help?

Before you do that I believe earlier in the season that if you keep trying over and over to get in eventually you will(if this is the same glitch) Happened to me earlier and many others.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I have had this message for will love a week everyone I try to access it without having pressed the previous notification first then I get kicked out but if I do press the notification then it allows me to use that section again until the next time I enter the game


Pro 1
more than 500 bids?? Jesus. The game is seeing you like a bot. That's the problem.

Yeah, i?m afraid that might be the problem. But i?m playing with iOS so i was hoping EA would treat those diferently than open softwares. Anyway, i?ve been testing the AH further and further these last few months, so it seems i finally reached some limit.
I also get the feeling that some of my crashes is some safe measure against bots.

Btw, i?m a human and do everything in the game by my own hand (no bots helping) :)
more than 500 bids?? Jesus. The game is seeing you like a bot. That's the problem.

Yeah, i?m afraid that might be the problem. But i?m playing with iOS so i was hoping EA would treat those diferently than open softwares. Anyway, i?ve been testing the AH further and further these last few months, so it seems i finally reached some limit.
I also get the feeling that some of my crashes is some safe measure against bots.

Btw, i?m a human and do everything in the game by my own hand (no bots helping) :)
Yeah that could be the problem. Too many bids from the same visible ip.

That's why the actual bots use multiple ghost ip directions.


Pro 1
I now have exactly 301 placed (and lost) bids waiting to be colected. I will bid the bare minimum (if anything at all) untill this is fixed.

If this is an anti-bot measure it?s a very stupid one: bots get around it easily (they might not even need to go around it) and it hinders human players.
I think this is just a glitch and not something done on purpose.


All-Star 1
It's been happening to me intermittently for the past week. Think it's just a random problem with the AH servers. I've had it kick me out while bidding on cards & I've had it kick me out trying to check on my own auctions.


Pro 1
It's been happening to me intermittently for the past week. Think it's just a random problem with the AH servers. I've had it kick me out while bidding on cards & I've had it kick me out trying to check on my own auctions.

That?s what has been happening to me too. That?s a relief... thanks :D


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