Rookie 1
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I believe there is a thread about giving your feedback and anger for the PvP real time match, The Arena, which NBALM just released, and myself just one week old player here.
I know and understand there are some issues, but after all? If I gotta choose playing SD or ARENA? After I got myself 55th position on SD by playing hours of hours every day, simply just to get Jersey and stuffs for SD Master... I realised I'd rather earn them from The Arena 'PREMIUM'.. as the rewards are fine and kinda similar. Also, it's more fun playing with another player real time than playing with a team with 3-5% adv of OVR which guarantee win as the AI bot plays real well. in ARENA mode, a player might not be playing as perfect, and you can win, like I won against players with OVR higher than me.
I attached the video below for you to see my experience. I am in Australia and I'm not sure why but my connection is most of the time super perfect, like almost...
I believe there is a thread about giving your feedback and anger for the PvP real time match, The Arena, which NBALM just released, and myself just one week old player here.
I know and understand there are some issues, but after all? If I gotta choose playing SD or ARENA? After I got myself 55th position on SD by playing hours of hours every day, simply just to get Jersey and stuffs for SD Master... I realised I'd rather earn them from The Arena 'PREMIUM'.. as the rewards are fine and kinda similar. Also, it's more fun playing with another player real time than playing with a team with 3-5% adv of OVR which guarantee win as the AI bot plays real well. in ARENA mode, a player might not be playing as perfect, and you can win, like I won against players with OVR higher than me.
I attached the video below for you to see my experience. I am in Australia and I'm not sure why but my connection is most of the time super perfect, like almost...
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