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Terror trail 3 impossible to win


Rookie 1
EA's best way to make anything "difficult" is to rig it of course.
Purposely making "good" shots miss is not adding difficulty to the game, it's adding annoyance.

They're scamming users out of stamina, is all.


Rookie 2
I was wondering why Brodie (Ev), Rip Hamilton would missed typical shots in challenge events. I wasted 20 extra stamina pts...


Rookie 3
Staff member
It's definitely not fixed.

I don't think its called a bug though, I think it's called a rip.

It's definitely not fixed.

I don't think its called a bug though, I think it's called a rip.


Yeah that's an unfortunate event lol. I know Brian said they will "look into" what caused the issues and "add more time to the next one"...I wonder if he's just ignorant to the fact that the person that designed it that way did it purposely, almost as if they were saying "you're gonna work for this gold player!" lol...still seems bush league. about as bad as missing a wide open, 3 pointer with 3 seconds left in SD with Klay to then find out it was actually the shot to win.


Rookie 1
A little trick to share (tho it's too late to find out now)

For the endless trails in room 1 & 3, you can actually pull long layup/dunk from the scoring zone, and it will count; but that doesn't work for room 2.

For room 2, I'll do some irregular things e.g. fade away or off balance shot. Seems the shooting percentage is a bit better than a perfect release mid range shot.


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