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steve nash 105 or vanvleet 105?


Pro 1
Nash cards never did well for me so I avoid them. Besides, there was a stupid event earlier on the season with a Nash card that accentuated that.
But I do have to say Nash has great AI and I hate playing against him on manual (but not has much as the likes of Vuc and Magic).

Vanvleet’s boost is much better than Nash’s so it makes a much better bench card.
If price is no issue then get Nash. But if coins are hard to come by then VanVleet isn't bad, cheaper, & the same ovr. Though I believe Nash gets boosted easier. Give it a day or two and maybe some Morants' can pop up on the AH and lower Nash.


Rookie 1
Nash cards never did well for me so I avoid them. Besides, there was a stupid event earlier on the season with a Nash card that accentuated that.
But I do have to say Nash has great AI and I hate playing against him on manual (but not has much as the likes of Vuc and Magic).

Vanvleet’s boost is much better than Nash’s so it makes a much better bench card.
picked up Nash recently and he is an awful three point shooter, I had much better luck with AU Curry. If it wasn't for the Buzzer Beater I wouldn't even give Nash a shot. I didn't expect much but making 2-3 wide open threes is a must now. I was lucky to get 2-6.


Rookie 1
If price is no issue then get Nash. But if coins are hard to come by then VanVleet isn't bad, cheaper, & the same ovr. Though I believe Nash gets boosted easier. Give it a day or two and maybe some Morants' can pop up on the AH and lower Nash.
Played against Morant LvL, quite easy to steal with and his offense is not that aggressive unlike Westbrook or Curry's AI.


Pro 2
picked up Nash recently and he is an awful three point shooter, I had much better luck with AU Curry. If it wasn't for the Buzzer Beater I wouldn't even give Nash a shot. I didn't expect much but making 2-3 wide open threes is a must now. I was lucky to get 2-6.

Not my experience tho. Just keep going back to Nash - over UA Curry, VanVleet, and now Ja. I sprint sideline, pause briefly at wing, shoot open 3 if there, if not sprint to corner 3. He shoots an easy 80% wing (if left open) and sprint to corner 3 (if not open at wing). Good stealing. Also best clutch blocking card I’ve had. Every time I try to replace him, I end up going back.


Rookie 1
As I said in another thread of yours, I'd go for Nash if you can. Buzzer beater on PG is the best ability in the game.


Rookie 1
Ya but im not interested in skills lol..i just want to know who shoots better three who has better ai in showdown and who play better defence..the skill is for *****


Rookie 1
I'm sure I'm of an unpopular opinion, but I find that most of the top-level cards play the same. Sure, there might be some variance here or there, but at the end of the day, a 105 PG is a 105 PG. That's why I go for abilities as my tie-breaker, since maybe I'm not nuanced enough to find the differences.


Rookie 1
Ya but some players are crazy in shooting like UA curry ..no matter how contested he is he just gonna drop a three or midrange..too bad he is so bad at defense if not i would've like him


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