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Stats of 88 Elevate Hayward?


Rookie 1
Do you have a screenshot of 88 Elevate Hayward non pack version? I have 88 Butler( Pack) fully upgraded and im thinking of using him to max out hayward.


Rookie 1
Are there certain elevate players that can't be used as TP? I've got a 70 whiteside and butler trained to 81 that i can't use to train up any of my other elevate players
Are there certain elevate players that can't be used as TP? I've got a 70 whiteside and butler trained to 81 that i can't use to train up any of my other elevate players

Currently, the ones that start at 70 can't be used as TP. Just the ones that start at 82.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
As far as I am aware, if you try to train Hayward with Butler it will only count as 16k tp.

Its 70k training points for me.

Yep 16k base value plus the 54k TP put in to max Butler they're able to do that with the pack ones but they claim the free ones can't because they would show up as a 70 which is bullshit they're feeding us as an excuse for them not wanting us to train the worse ones into the better ones


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