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Spring Cleanup, OOOOOOOO I like that!


Rookie 2
I have saved all my gold showdown players since early in the season so this is good stuff! I always liked whe they added these type of sets so you don't have to hold 1000 things in your item section.


Rookie 1
I quicksold like 200 tokens yesterday, My thinking was they will have a trade in set for them but not any time soon.

What are the odds?!?!

They were mainly Ewing gold and elite tokens though. So its possible they weren't eligible for trading in anyway.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I quicksold like 200 tokens yesterday, My thinking was they will have a trade in set for them but not any time soon.

What are the odds?!?!

They were mainly Ewing gold and elite tokens though. So its possible they weren't eligible for trading in anyway.
They are eligible for the set
I'm still saving my elite player's and tokens, you just never know what sets could come out later. Something tells me that this was released to drain people's saved tokens and players only to release a future set that also requires one or the other.


Rookie 1
I'm still saving my elite player's and tokens, you just never know what sets could come out later. Something tells me that this was released to drain people's saved tokens and players only to release a future set that also requires one or the other.
Yup, this is the right way I think. I only traded tokens that were only silver or below. I just hoarded every elite player last season and it paid off so I'll do the same thing with tokens this time.
My advice is to put only those tokens that quicksell for 100 coins or less in the exchange set. You will get more coins quickselling the big ones.


Rookie 1
This is the exact reason I maintain a 1k item bench, I knew a set like this would come along. I didn't trade-in all my collectibles incase we get a similar Ultimate Legend/Boss set.


Rookie 2
Yup, this is the right way I think. I only traded tokens that were only silver or below. I just hoarded every elite player last season and it paid off so I'll do the same thing with tokens this time.

It's a mixed bag though. If they come out with some later set byt that time we will hardly be able to use the stuff and as we know legacy stuff barely plays next season.


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