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someone help me about sniping


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Download a floating clock app make sure you use a 6 digit digital clock so you can see the time down to the seconds then find out the refresh time of your AH and every 5 minutes and maybe 1 second from that time just refresh until new cards pop up the time will change so be up with it it may move slowly but enough time sniping and you find out the refresh has moved a couple minutes


Rookie 1
Download a floating clock app make sure you use a 6 digit digital clock so you can see the time down to the seconds then find out the refresh time of your AH and every 5 minutes and maybe 1 second from that time just refresh until new cards pop up the time will change so be up with it it may move slowly but enough time sniping and you find out the refresh has moved a couple minutes

I mean I know how to snipe but I need help on what numbers to put in the buy now slot I only know how to find gold players but I'm looking for elites to snipe


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Download a floating clock app make sure you use a 6 digit digital clock so you can see the time down to the seconds then find out the refresh time of your AH and every 5 minutes and maybe 1 second from that time just refresh until new cards pop up the time will change so be up with it it may move slowly but enough time sniping and you find out the refresh has moved a couple minutes

I mean I know how to snipe but I need help on what numbers to put in the buy now slot I only know how to find gold players but I'm looking for elites to snipe

It depends on the card you're trying to snipe they don't all go for the same price


Rookie 3
i have 2 million coins and i i want some good players for cheap and want to make some coins

i am not good at sniping all i need is a step by step tutorial of sniping everything from filters to everything can someone help me :geek:


Rookie 2
Cards refresh every 5 minutes and 5 seconds. Good idea to have a view of a clock whether it's a floating clock app or your pc or anything.
Currently 90 Shaq & PG are the best value snipes, but everyone tries to get them so you'd be lucky to get one every few drops.

Other notable tricks:
Typing a single letter will search for all cards that have that letter in their name. For promo cards without a filter, you can create your own combining that with gameplay styles and positions.
Sell all promo cards at the start as their value is at it's highest (worth sniping them the most too).


Rookie 3
Cards refresh every 5 minutes and 5 seconds. Good idea to have a view of a clock whether it's a floating clock app or your pc or anything.
Currently 90 Shaq & PG are the best value snipes, but everyone tries to get them so you'd be lucky to get one every few drops.

Other notable tricks:
Typing a single letter will search for all cards that have that letter in their name. For promo cards without a filter, you can create your own combining that with gameplay styles and positions.
Sell all promo cards at the start as their value is at it's highest (worth sniping them the most too).

thanks bro but can you give me some sniping filter and what price to type


Rookie 1
You can't expect other people to spoon feed you methods to make coins. Go and try some filters out yourself if you really want to make some profit, it isn't that hard. Mess around with lineups, positions, overalls and names in the search bar and find a combination that works for you. There'll be a lot of trial and error but that's part of (the fun in) grinding the auction house.


Rookie 1
Do what Alekk said and see how you go..... But the best time to do it is when the U.S. is asleep

But save those coins, there's about 21 weeks to go before, I expect, the next game reset. In the last month last year there were heaps of free cards and the AH crashed majorly. 96's we're under 100k


Rookie 1
I noticed that snipes only good with high speed connection or internet. I did not know what snipes were since season 1 until I experienced it myself when I traveled to Singapore then I sniped lots of card for my playoffs Elites cards. The place where i stay, the connection is not that stable and I always lost to snipes race.


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