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So Who is grinding what ? *HELP*


Rookie 1
What’s up guys, we have this 3 Day Canada promo that came out, but the next games were able to play is not available until 12 hours and a half (pacific time)
Other then that we can only do the V.Carter event is only releasing like 3 a day or what not.
I want to know what’s everybody actually grinding hard on ? The MVP event ends today & I won’t b able to reach any more milestones. Is everybody running showdowns only ?
Tell me what you guys are doing please, have all this energy ready to play but I don’t necessarily have events besides show down. Let me know guys please !
Give me tips on my team also please, appreciate it !
* I don’t spend money & trying to better my team, please don’t hate, help a bro out *


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I have 5hours to get 11k votes to get the boost and ability token for Harden so I'll be grinding MVP non stop. I probably won't make it but I gotta try.


Rookie 1
4 more tokens to get the 100 Carter...enough of the MVP Nominees for me...won't go any further after getting the Harden ability...


Rookie 1
4 more tokens to get the 100 Carter...enough of the MVP Nominees for me...won't go any further after getting the Harden ability...
Isn’t the only way to get his tokens through his challenge which is 3 a day & from free pack every 4 hours ? Or more ways ?


Rookie 1
If you can grind another player it’s worth it....given your line up no idea where you are at with respect to the progress on individual rewards....6th man Harrell, or Defensive PG13 would both help as you need a sg, and a PF to improve your squad.

Defensive coach Malone would at least give you a +5 boost, or better yet the nba all defensive boost for finishing 5 items would give you +5 in 2 stats categories.


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