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So.. seriously now - is there ANYTHING I can do to actually get my guys to play some defense?


Rookie 1
Or is it truly just impossible for everyone?

I mean, I cannot physically mash the buttons and get the game to respond fast enough to get the guys in time, if it's all on me to get all five of them to ever move their asses.

I even benched my Markannen center for maxed out Legend Howard, and sometimes he does something. More often than not he stands there like a ******* idiot while some 90 ovr player waltzes his way around and calmly deposits the ball in the basket. By the time I manually switch over, it's already over.

Of course, opposing AI seems to have little problem playing decent, reactive defense.

If there is one thing I wish they could do in this game, it's to get something that resembles defense on my team. It's not like I'm playing with a bunch of rookies.
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Rookie 2
Nah, everyone's defensive rebounding rating might as well be 0. On any loose ball/deflection your team will stand around until someone else grabs it.


All-Star 1
There's a lot of bullshit that goes on....like dude's letting a rebound bounce right past them as the look at it and the loose balls as well. But I honestly feel like I have decent control of my defense. I switch like hell & sometimes I'm late but I get a lot of blocks and steals and close guarding that results in missed buckets......all due to MY actions. It's never gonna be perfect. I figure that out last season and it still infuriated me from time to time. But the only thing that stops me is the AI ability to hit any shot they want.
Playing good defense can eat up the clock. There's nothing worse than those possessions where you get a block or two, the AI misses and then they snatch the offensive rebound for the easy putback. You've played solid defense but it's eaten up most of the shot clock and you have nothing to show for it.

For that reason, it's better to steal the ball as quickly as possible than get into a situation where you playing a ton of defense. And sometimes it's better if the AI scores a quick two so that you can score again quickly.

If you do want to make stops and shut the AI out, I would recommend turning stops into guaranteed points by driving to the basket instead of pulling up for threes. If you jack up a three and miss it puts all that defensive effort to waste. I usually shoot threes after AI makes but I know most people shoot them all quarter long.


Rookie 3
Staff member
Playing good defense can eat up the clock. There's nothing worse than those possessions where you get a block or two, the AI misses and then they snatch the offensive rebound for the easy putback. You've played solid defense but it's eaten up most of the shot clock and you have nothing to show for it.

For that reason, it's better to steal the ball as quickly as possible than get into a situation where you playing a ton of defense. And sometimes it's better if the AI scores a quick two so that you can score again quickly.

If you do want to make stops and shut the AI out, I would recommend turning stops into guaranteed points by driving to the basket instead of pulling up for threes. If you jack up a three and miss it puts all that defensive effort to waste. I usually shoot threes after AI makes but I know most people shoot them all quarter long.


I always try to shoot way more than defend.. makes the game more entertaining too.

The only time I'd stop shooting 3's is when there is a huge ovr difference ie a 93OVR vs my 99 etc.. I seem to miss a lot of 3's in those instances.


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