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So like, can we sell things already EA!???


Rookie 2
I do not make too many complaints and even if I do from time to time I've been playing since S1 and plan on continuing but the auction house is driving me nuts.

Not only due to what has been said across other threads about prices and things being hard to sell but also simply about WHAT can be sold.

I finally spent actually real money this season, you know money, the stuff you can spend on anything else outside of EA games! And after spending about $50 in the GSW/playoffs promo, I acquired coach Kerr and some jerseys and courts? There is a filter for the GSW stuff and it's been up for over a week and we still can't list anything! It is a real disincentive to spend money for the real p2p'ers.

On top of that, we can't sell almost every jersey we have acquired through showdown... and on top of that, I was lucky enough to get 102 Willis Reed today... guess what, not auctionable as a 102!

Do you know how useless that card will be in a few weeks when every f2p player has 103s+...
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uhhhh, that p2w promo We Belive is like the Vice Nights one. Nothing is auctionable.

Imagine paying real money & then 1 week later f2p players snipe those players/jerseys for a few coins. Lmao. Whales going mad.


Rookie 2
uhhhh, that p2w promo We Belive is like the Vice Nights one. Nothing is auctionable.

Imagine paying real money & then 1 week later f2p players snipe those players/jerseys for a few coins. Lmao. Whales going mad.

Right but imagine if they were priced accordingly and could get a lot of coin in return.

Also doesnt explain the other non auctionable items


Rookie 1
Right but imagine if they were priced accordingly and could get a lot of coin in return.

Also doesnt explain the other non auctionable items
Exactly since they capped it out or even lowballed then that's how the f2p players sniped them out. If EA could've put some decent price, that would definitely change but not that big duh.


Rookie 2
I agree the AH is a mess!
The way I see it there are two root causes:
1. The market is not free!
I would prefer they remove the caps and have prices plummet, but still decided by supply/demand
Everyone gets masters (and other players) in every promo even when they grind only 60-70%. Do the market is flooded.

So market flooded + caps + grindable = cannot sell players


Pro 2
At least let us sell those worthless SD jerseys and courts with rep boosts, coin boost, or fan boosts. I don't mean auction. If I could sell for 100 coins each I would to clear space. heck, allow us to simply delete stuff.


Rookie 2
At least let us sell those worthless SD jerseys and courts with rep boosts, coin boost, or fan boosts. I don't mean auction. If I could sell for 100 coins each I would to clear space. heck, allow us to simply delete stuff.

Just do an exchange set. Make some of the new platinum jerseys have boosts like defense or speed or blocking. Make it match the team. NYK 1999 would have +3 blk to team, GSW 94 would have +3 to speed, maybe 5% chance at a +5 and 1% chance at a +7. Not too difficult to figure something out.

I agree the AH is a mess!
The way I see it there are two root causes:
1. The market is not free!
I would prefer they remove the caps and have prices plummet, but still decided by supply/demand
Everyone gets masters (and other players) in every promo even when they grind only 60-70%. Do the market is flooded.

So market flooded + caps + grindable = cannot sell players

Yea it is stupid that f2p players can be 105 and p2p players can be 105. It should be where maybe they can be 103/104 but if they can do the exact same thing then there is no incentive to prioritize nba cash or spend real money. There is a balance somewhere between season 1 and 3 where it would be perfect. I do like that f2p players can enjoy the grind but if someone grinds 50% and ends up the same as a grind of 90% what's the incentive to grind?
P2w players will get ALL the POTG +MVP Player. They will be 107 ovr at the end of this promo. Some 108 with boost.
There is a big difference & an incentive to grind for the f2p players. Even more now with the SD matching changes.


Rookie 1
I'm losing millions of coins every week, every day a player doesn't sell it's 100k+ off of the selling price. I watched Karl Malone from a 1 million to about 300k. Every time I listed the cards for the cheapest price and they still won't sell, now I have a 102 OVR player that's worth about 300k.
I'm losing millions of coins every week, every day a player doesn't sell it's 100k+ off of the selling price. I watched Karl Malone from a 1 million to about 300k. Every time I listed the cards for the cheapest price and they still won't sell, now I have a 102 OVR player that's worth 300k.
It will sell when he is worth 150-250k. I have a bunch of 103s that I haven't been able to sell. I watched them go from over 1mil to worth less than 400k all the while I was seeing people buying them, its annoying. Nothing worse than seeing multiple bids on other cards in the AH yet mine keeps expiring. I've only had success with selling 104s.


Rookie 2
I think free market (meaning no caps) is the #1 thing to do.
then if prices drops they drop & if they rise they rise.


All-Star 3
I think free market (meaning no caps) is the #1 thing to do.
then if prices drops they drop & if they rise they rise.
The rises is the issues.. i might be in the lone here.. but im no fan of seeing cards worth 99 million etc..
I dont know how an ah would work with only an upper price cap but no lower cap.. i think that would help the p2p players/heavy grinders a little more as early obtained cards would be more valuable b4 the market crashes when everyone gets a card


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