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Snowflakes' rep and coin packs gone


Rookie 3
Is this intentional or are we expecting them to come back? Almost halfway with my 90 magic and this will surely slow me down completing him.


Rookie 1
Hopefully just a mistake because this coupled with forcing us to play next gen and the BS 500 points objective is making this promo really shitty for anyone who doesn't want to spend a lot of real money


Rookie 3
i assume that we will get an update later 2day.. the 10k SF pack was visible in the GC'er vids for North Pole promo so will continue

i hope it doesnt come while i'm AP'ing season games.. i would HATE 2 lose 5stamina :D :D


Rookie 1
Wow, another thing we plan for and use to reach an objective is taken away from us without warning.

I'm sure EA will apologize for the "bug" and put it back up after enough people panic spend their money. I doubt it's another profit ploy by EA! -.-
Plan was to remove the rep pack for snowflakes but I think even that was supposed to start at maintenance of North Pole....naturally they remove all of them. Wonder how long it will take to get this back up. I saw some complaining about the 1 per day Food Drive tokens not resetting, hope this isn't similar.


Rookie 3
Yeah, my grind schedule will be ruined again if this is not a mistake. Removing then bringing back packs without prior notice is really annoying. It will force us to change our focus in completing sets and at the end we will not be able to get the best of the promo like what happened on black friday. I don't mind surprices but not of this kind.


All-Star 3
Snowflake Rep and Coin packs are unavailable in the store today. Tomorrow, the coin pack for snowflakes will return, but the rep pack will be for North Pole lineup leveling items instead of snowflakes.

We appreciate your patience while we work through this. Thanks!


Rookie 1
Snowflake Rep and Coin packs are unavailable in the store today. Tomorrow, the coin pack for snowflakes will return, but the rep pack will be for North Pole lineup leveling items instead of snowflakes.

We appreciate your patience while we work through this. Thanks!

Did they ever explain that they would remove rep packs for Magic? Why not offer both?

Really starting to dislike this method, they always change their route midway through promos. Here I am wondering if is worth it play like a maniac for those 500 points if things change everyday.
Snowflake Rep and Coin packs are unavailable in the store today. Tomorrow, the coin pack for snowflakes will return, but the rep pack will be for North Pole lineup leveling items instead of snowflakes.

We appreciate your patience while we work through this. Thanks!

Did they ever explain that they would remove rep packs for Magic? Why not offer both?

Really starting to dislike this method, they always change their route midway through promos. Here I am wondering if is worth it play like a maniac for those 500 points if things change everyday.

Just auto play season mode for the 500 points but yes, their "communication" system is still very unfortunate, and has been all season. I guess it was just as bad, or worse last season, I really don't know, but unless you follow Waggoner on twitter, or 4katosh, or are a member here, it's super hard to get valuable information! I feel like I say this every other week, and maybe I should just shut up because nothing's changing. If it came to them not making money, they'd communicate things like packs changing/day of next promo starting in game but I guess that's too damned difficult.


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