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Slam Chowder looking for league players. 90 and up

Hi I am bonecrushers, we Looking for some league mates for Slam Chowder, the jr team for top 60 ranked SLAMBURGER Sandwich

Brand new league, 3-0 so far with hardly anyone playing In The league but me and a few others, rest of the team doesn?t do their drives. This a relaxed fun league where u can get better and possibly advance to our top 100 team. Serious or not serious, we want you!!!

I?d like to give the boot to about 5 that are currently in the league from not playing their drives so would welcome any applicants that can play 2 drives a day.


Rookie 1
Hi I am bonecrushers, we Looking for some league mates for Slam Chowder, the jr team for top 60 ranked SLAMBURGER Sandwich

Brand new league, 3-0 so far with hardly anyone playing In The league but me and a few others, rest of the team doesn?t do their drives. This a relaxed fun league where u can get better and possibly advance to our top 100 team. Serious or not serious, we want you!!!

I?d like to give the boot to about 5 that are currently in the league from not playing their drives so would welcome any applicants that can play 2 drives a day.
I am interested. 96 OVR, great showdown lineup, level 63, active daily


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