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Showdown season3 discussions - end of the second season and the start of the third season


Pro 1
but do both of us lose now???

somebody wins and somebody loses, with forfeit/expire fans.

the loser is probably the one that gets the maintenance earlier - either due to faster connection, or something else like one player not actually playing the quarter immediately, so the one playing during the maintenance is the one that gets burnt.

And I haven't played yet to confirm your concerns about jump-balls, but to be fair, I lost a grand total of two jump-balls this season and I was pretty tired. It's been pretty favorable to us.

Yet, I hope it's a case of a shorter 'perfect window' for all quarters instead of some quarters where it looked like you didn't have a chance and others were standard-easy like at some points in season 2.
It's been a Kraft Factory, today, alllllll different types of cheese lol. Last quarter against a 79, I win 17-0. I figure I win, for sure, and maybe easily, or at least by 5. Nope. Apparently my AI laid out the red carpet and they lost 8-23, allowing me to just barely win 25-23! Had another stretch where out of 6 games, I lost 4 by ONE point each! My PG is Lillard, and I love having him because he's a dead eye shooter, but I'm guessing the opponent scores easily on him. Either that, or I need to upgrade my big men from Porzingis and Master Embiid. Both of them can play awesome defense a lot of times, but stand around and don't get the rebound often.

80 Shaq scores 8/10 times, I imagine that's 10/10 with the 85 version.
It doesn't matter which cards you're using. The only reason to upgrade your cards is to boost your OVR. Gameplay or AI wise, it doesn't make a difference. If your opponent gets an easy difficulty setting then he's going to put up a big score. If he gets a difficult setting, he's going to struggle. If it were a level playing field and everyone was playing at the same difficulty setting then AI performance would matter more but your AI plays differently every single quarter. And even if you have a high OVR team and the opposition generally struggle, the game makes your lineup struggle as well.
It doesn't matter which cards you're using. The only reason to upgrade your cards is to boost your OVR. Gameplay or AI wise, it doesn't make a difference. If your opponent gets an easy difficulty setting then he's going to put up a big score. If he gets a difficult setting, he's going to struggle. If it were a level playing field and everyone was playing at the same difficulty setting then AI performance would matter more but your AI plays differently every single quarter. And even if you have a high OVR team and the opposition generally struggle, the game makes your lineup struggle as well.

I couldn't have described it better if I tried. I had a quarter against a 79 that I won 17-0. I got a couple steals, and hit most of my shots for a change. My main goal was to hold them scoreless once I saw I had the chance with a little over a minute left. What does my AI do? Allow 23 points! I guess I should be glad they at least managed to score 8 against their 23, allowing me to win by 2. Idk what I'd have done if I lost that one because 8 times out of 10 if I outscore my opponent by 9 or 10, they surely outscore me y 10 or 11. I am legitimately shocked when I manage to win a match where i outscore them by 9 or 10. Most of my shock is because it happens so rarely that I win those. Heck, 14 isn't enough for me a lot of times and as described, had I allowed just one basket, 17-2 wouldn't have been enough, either because I'm sure I'll find out in the tie-breaker that I shot 70% but the opponent shot 90% for 23 points. It truly is a match against an algorithm.

I got matched with the 2nd ranked person, earlier. Really? Of all the people, you give me the 2nd ranked???? I could understand if I was in the top 50, heck even if I was top 100 or 150. That would make sense, to me. I'd rather sit a few extra seconds or a minute or however long it takes to wait for an opponent at least within a million fans of my current count than to get set up in a match that I'm going to for sure lose.

I've beaten 82s before, but it's also rare. It's funny, as an 80 or 79, I hear people talk about how they lose to 77 or78 and I have had the same thing happen. I opp an 82 as an 80 and my AI loses 24 to 2 LOL. I outscored her AI 8-4 so there's that, right?

EA will never go broke from this game, just look at the top ranked SD. some of their the lowest in the lineup is 82! It really is a stick-measuring contest up there. Lineups with both 85 Shaq and 85 LeBron...and still have three other Offseason Elites in their lineup LOL.
"Can't connect to Network"---Randomly appears in the middle of a SD quarter. I was doing well, too, against an 81 and it's probably gonna subract 8K fans!!!

They should fix this issue. I get you want to penalize people for forfeiting intentionally, but it's one thing to get disconnected. I'm also aware the app probably will never be able to distinguish between a forfeit and a force close. It's just such a shit deal for all involved. My opponent's battery dies, mid quarter, they lose on forfeit. I could have had the best quarter ever, but it doesn't matter, the best I can gain is 8K even with the bonus.

It's extremely wrong that I lose 8K fans because of something I can't control. Losing connection should be the same number of fans lost as a regular loss! If force closing allows you to only lose 2k fans then so be it!!!! All you're doing is saving yourself a measly 2 minutes! If someone wants to concede a loss, they should be allowed to!

I just lost the equivalent of 4-5 games in one single game. This shouldn't be.

My network's working just fine, internet has no issues outside of NBALM.
Gonna be a bloodbath the next 5-6 hours. The time to gain fans was over about an hour ago lol. Too many loaded cash bought squads. Gg
Not what I had in mind when I thought it'd be a bloodbath.......This is worse than missing 6 open shots in a row....I just had 36 scored on my AI back to back. 36-6 two games in a row! Typical EA, I guess, my AI rolls out the red carpet and their AI stalls when they have the ball.


Rookie 2
SD is bad....I won 15-0 and 16-0 in two games that I can remember and the AI on the other side has somehow able to get 10-33 or 15-33 and win by a bigger margin!

EA, what have you done???


Pro 1
only now I see they also changed the end of season back to this time of the day as well. Guess it's time to open a new post.


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