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Showdown season discussions - end of season 9 / new season 10


Pro 1
Topic to talk about your results in the last showdown season, final pack pulls, goals for the new season, thoughts about the next player/prize or any new issues or concerns

Personally I just went for the 1.5M of Legend tier - 4540th.
Derozan won't matter to me, so I'll probably settle for the same,
Pulled a not auctionable 88 Payton
Leonard being auctionable while Mashburn remains not auctionable doesn't make any sense.

Highscores were surprisingly against maxed 91 Simmons classic but in lower ovr opponents, including a 27-7.

But the memorable - and infuriating quarter - was a 8-6 in a 100vr vs 92ovr, missing all the jumpshots + 2 lay-ups, scoring only in a dunk and off rebounds. meanwhile the opponent ai scored on a contested 3 and in the next off. possession, got a foul on shooting, hit the first, missed the second, grabbed the rebound and got the lay-up. Opponent would lose 9-4 on his quarter so I didn't lose to a 92ovr here, but I would in a +4 vs +13.


Rookie 1
-Finished at 2.18 mill ranked 1166th
-I had most of it during awards promo couldn't grind for top 1000 without bonus as I am currently studying for my finals, --highest scoring quarter was 24-2 against 97 OVR , one quarter ended 19-0 against 96 OVR
-Pulled trash, 88 jack sikma and 82 John Starks and few golds
-not interested in derozan and will probably go for legend tier only
-now I'm thinking about re-rolling my shards


All-Star 3
4,221,263 fans - 191 rank.. personal best.. wanted the kawhi bad .. grinded as much as I could after finishing the Payton set.. only reached 2 mill before the bonus changed.. then grinding was going really slow.. reached abt 2.5 mill then bought a toty player for 17mill.. grinded out till 4 mill fans. Sold the player for 18 mill..
Similarly had some weird losses to 94/95 ovr player but beat a lot of 100+ teams this time..had some +22 wins on lower ovr players and has some greater +5-7 wins on some 100-101 players.. even had a win agst a 103 which surprised me..
Pulled 90 kemba and 81 Tyson. Happy that I got I think 5-6 Jordan shards..
This week relaxed.. DeRozan holds no appeal to me.. but will try to get into the top 1000 for the tp
I finished 577 and 606 on the Asia server.

I used the Award Winners bonus at the beginning of the season and was able to grind to Legend in 6 days on my alt account, which is the fastest I've reached the Legend tier since Showdown switched to two-week seasons. I eased off on that account and worked my way to Superstar on my main account before losing the bonus. I spent the rest of the season lazily working my way to Legend on my main. Made a half-hearted attempt to crack the top 500 yesterday but couldn't find the motivation.

I upgraded my lineups to a 98 OVR at the beginning of the season and enjoyed decent results. My progress was faster than the previous season so I played more difficult opponents. I bet a few guys in the top 25 so I was happy about that. My best win was against a 104 OVR. I beat a few 100-103 OVRs as well.

I got 89 Legend Gasol and 89 Abdur-Rahim plus two base elites. The only way DeRozan would interest me is if I could get the 100 OVR but it's only worth around 3M on Asia and I don't have the time or patience to grind for the top 100. I am still interested in the shards, however.


Rookie 1
I've been out of the loop for the past few showdown. Can someone confirm which players qualify for the showdown bonus? Do I need a 100+ OVR player? I know the description says as much, but I don't put much faith in EAs ability to properly describe a program.


All-Star 3
I've been out of the loop for the past few showdown. Can someone confirm which players qualify for the showdown bonus? Do I need a 100+ OVR player? I know the description says as much, but I don't put much faith in EAs ability to properly describe a program.

100ovr toty player.. which costs abt 17 - 20 mill

U could also complete the 98+toty set and upgrade the player to 100. That also gives u the bonus but ur stuck with an unauctionable player

TOTY - Team of the year


Rookie 2
I've been out of the loop for the past few showdown. Can someone confirm which players qualify for the showdown bonus? Do I need a 100+ OVR player? I know the description says as much, but I don't put much faith in EAs ability to properly describe a program.

100ovr toty player.. which costs abt 17 - 20 mill

U could also complete the 98+toty set and upgrade the player to 100. That also gives u the bonus but ur stuck with an unauctionable player

TOTY - Team of the year

I dunno if I can get the 98+ player or not. I can try. I don't have enough coins anyway.


Rookie 1
Finished 9th with 7666000 fans. Al I wanted was
One Deandre card to finish the set, I got lots of the
But not Deandre... trade all the cards plus some I had already and still didn?t get one card I needed..
Massive disappointment even I got Leonard 100.


Rookie 1
I did pretty good tbh, I finished in like the 40,000th rank or something and was probably in All Star 2

it's a joke, lmao. Well, the part about it being good at least; those were my best rankings all year


Rookie 1
I just am horrible at Showdown, and the ridiculous BS that EA slams in my face makes me avoid the mode almost entirely. Just this season I hit AS I because of the ridiculous awards fan boosts, but then EA gave us TOTY which made me more upset, and how the matchmaking system never even works. I still lose to 84 thanks to super super, BS AI, and then I get matched up with people I have no chance against.

Loses to a lower overall due to BS

EA- "Oh, you aren't trying hard enough, I guess you someone at YOUR level"

Slaps me someone 5-6 overall higher


p.s. EA, fix the showdown mode, and make the quarters 2 MINUTES LONG, more BS happens in those extra 30 seconds than anywhere else!


Pro 1
@jonsnowmo, I haven't re-rolled shards yet and Lowry leads with 33. maybe I could get him quick with re-rolls, but I'm not sure about the AI of a Lowry card, so I'm keeping it all.

@anatdoc, not a bad work with the bonus! also, you talk about top1000 for tp, but with EA making Kawhi auctionable, I have no idea what to expect.

@commondjapan, top-piece legend Gasol looks like a good pull here. how much could you / did you get for him?

@nb809, I'm guessing that as the toty content expires we'll see a new bonus and likely more friendly, so I'll stay away from the current one.

@angieuk, are you on 49/50 for Jordan and not a single one came in the packs/re-rolls so far? ouch.

@trapstarisu, what kind of season-ending pull did you get in the final pack in that tier? base elite?

@book Gazette, without a BB Simmons around, I actually like the 2m30s. Regarding the ovr differences, I think the game simply wants you to lose occasionaly. In the previous season, close to the top, I didn't lose to anyone below 96ovr, specially because I didn't face them xD

But after skipping the first week of this last season, I faced a ton of 92/93ovr and ended losing 2 or 3 matches that suposedly had a big favorable ovr advantage, but it was that small fraction of games that don't follow the standards.


Rookie 1
Yeah, I got two base elites, a bunch of random collectibles, some more shards, and a 5k training points thingamajigamahbobber

I'm pretty proud, I managed to get 400k fans. That's a new record :p


Rookie 2
Got to legend tier in a week, then ignored it entirely. Finished something about 4000th.

Only interested in shards, not even using the re-roll set cause I figured all of them would be very useful OVR boosters.


All-Star 3
@edll ya realised after I typed that I don't have to use for tp. My top shards is Jordan with 32 and Kemp with 28


Rookie 3
Staff member
Got to legend tier, around 1.6m fans.. only in it for the shards.. got some tp, 1 - 90 elite... and a bunch of other useless tokens..

Good news is, 40 on Lowry and 36 on Jordan at the moment..


Rookie 1
Props to those of you that grind to legend/top 1000 every season. I don't know how you do it. If I have the fan bonus, I'll grind to superstar 1 or 2 but that's about all I can take. Luckily I had the fan bonus last week and was able to get to superstar 2 (around 800k fans) in only a couple days before they changed the requirements. Grinding to the legend tier without that bonus would do some serious harm to my mental health lol.

Anyway, I pulled NY Devin Booker in my reward pack, who has some pretty decent value on the AH. Doubt I'll play much this season since there's no way I'm getting a 100+ TOTY player and I'll be on vacation next week through the end of season 11.


Pro 1
2 elites there is pretty decent then @trapstarisu!

@Alekk yeah no re-roll seems like a wise decision

@anatdoc, are you interested in these two for your line-up?

@aramwot, are you re-rolling or did you get these packs that were giving one shard? 40 in a single card is better than most of us have

@rrfb, it always depends of the free time you have. if you can and want to spare 2h everyday, you can grind for a place in the leaderboard. with 30min/day, I think you can go for legend.
but if many responsabilities exist and somebody tries to play the same amount of time, health will suffer indeed! and I hope folks are not doing that!

@commondjapan, not bad in comparison to other prices you mentioned before. 89 Gasol goes for ~900k here.

@savage, nice! and now don't forget to play safe and link your guest account to fb/google!


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