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Showdown season discussions - end of season 10 / new season 11


Rookie 3
Staff member
Finding this a lot less challenging to rank in top 200..

I assume certs will be the money maker over the weekend.
This is the first SD season where I?m not contesting for top 250 or 500. I focused on the international promo all of last week (got embiid), then spent literally all my stamina on the certified events this weekend. But I managed to claw my way to the 750s after focusing on SD the last 24 hours. Hope I can squeeze into the top 500 by weeks end. But boy oh boy this is an uphill battle without the fan boost.


Pro 1
my interest is declining a lot - to the point that I'm only playing the quarters for the daily objectives this season.
even the performances are declining xD - with only 230k fans so far, already had the 4 losses I had in 805k fans last season.


All-Star 1
This is the first SD season where I?m not contesting for top 250 or 500. I focused on the international promo all of last week (got embiid), then spent literally all my stamina on the certified events this weekend. But I managed to claw my way to the 750s after focusing on SD the last 24 hours. Hope I can squeeze into the top 500 by weeks end. But boy oh boy this is an uphill battle without the fan boost.

Exact same boat. I almost didn?t even bother until I realized the Top 200 isn?t even Legend yet?!


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