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Showdown Season 3 Discussions - end of the 17th season, start/end of the 18th season, and start of 1


Rookie 2
I only do the SDs to fulfill the daily objectives! As for SD Fox vs Res Fox, it took merely 3 days to get the latter successfully.

If not for the fact I am aiming to get Joe Ingles SD 90 card, I wouldn't be playing SD at all. :lol:


Rookie 1
My team is 89 overall.. and I'm trying for the top 100 for the 1st time cause I want an elite jersey..

is it normal that right now I'm at about 84 on the top 100 with about 479k fans..
and all I get now is mostly 93 94 95 teams?.. I ask because I see quite a few 89 90 91 teams in the top 200.. but I never seem to play them


All-Star 1
My team is 89 overall.. and I'm trying for the top 100 for the 1st time cause I want an elite jersey..

is it normal that right now I'm at about 84 on the top 100 with about 479k fans..
and all I get now is mostly 93 94 95 teams?.. I ask because I see quite a few 89 90 91 teams in the top 200.. but I never seem to play them
Yeah, my experience is when you move to a new tier you often get matched with higher OVR's to start. As more people enter Legend tier it will balance out. You've got a grind ahead of you though.


Rookie 1
My team is 89 overall.. and I'm trying for the top 100 for the 1st time cause I want an elite jersey..

is it normal that right now I'm at about 84 on the top 100 with about 479k fans..
and all I get now is mostly 93 94 95 teams?.. I ask because I see quite a few 89 90 91 teams in the top 200.. but I never seem to play them
Yeah, my experience is when you move to a new tier you often get matched with higher OVR's to start. As more people enter Legend tier it will balance out. You've got a grind ahead of you though.

Yeah I guess u was right.. it's a day later and while I'm still in the top 100 and my team is 90.. I now play quite a few 90 or 91 teams.. and even the odd 87 or 88 team.. it's a big relief lol


All-Star 3
My team is 89 overall.. and I'm trying for the top 100 for the 1st time cause I want an elite jersey..

is it normal that right now I'm at about 84 on the top 100 with about 479k fans..
and all I get now is mostly 93 94 95 teams?.. I ask because I see quite a few 89 90 91 teams in the top 200.. but I never seem to play them
Yeah, my experience is when you move to a new tier you often get matched with higher OVR's to start. As more people enter Legend tier it will balance out. You've got a grind ahead of you though.

Yeah I guess u was right.. it's a day later and while I'm still in the top 100 and my team is 90.. I now play quite a few 90 or 91 teams.. and even the odd 87 or 88 team.. it's a big relief lol
I think its just a matter of more people reaching legend. Did u guys get rec centre peices in the level up packs?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
@Anatdoc... no unfortunately.. I was really dissapointed tbh.. got 0 court pieces out of all my promotion packs

Yeah it said they would be given out in the final standing rewards this and next SD season

Ohhh ok.. so i should of got some out of Monday's final standing pack?.. or do you mean NEXT Monday and the 1 after?

This SD season's and next SD season's final rewards so this upcoming Monday and the Monday after that


Rookie 2
Kinda weak prizes for top 2500 no? An elite jersey with 8% fans? I already have that. I figure if you grind that damn hard you should get like 10-15%


All-Star 1
Kinda weak prizes for top 2500 no? An elite jersey with 8% fans? I already have that. I figure if you grind that damn hard you should get like 10-15%

Nah, bc now.....if you're lucky after several weeks....you can get a court that gives you a semi-useless rep boost too. Smh

Idk why anyone, in their right mind, would grind for top 100.....even top 1000 at this point since time is better spent on promos. Grind hard for 7 days for a slap in the face haha. Seems logical


Rookie 3
Yeah, who need a fan boost if you are only doing sd for daily objective because the rewards that you can get are only courts/jerseys with fan boost? Season 2, every fan boost count because of good cards and competition on top 1000 which was very intensive until last minute of sd season, now weeks of sd grinds you'll get 93 which can be easily obtain in 2 or 3 days in promo.


Rookie 1
Kinda weak prizes for top 2500 no? An elite jersey with 8% fans? I already have that. I figure if you grind that damn hard you should get like 10-15%

Nah, bc now.....if you're lucky after several weeks....you can get a court that gives you a semi-useless rep boost too. Smh

Idk why anyone, in their right mind, would grind for top 100.....even top 1000 at this point since time is better spent on promos. Grind hard for 7 days for a slap in the face haha. Seems logical

It's not a waste 2 me trying to get top 100.. with my showdown players on the bench already giving me 10% fan boost.. an elite jersey will push that up to almost 20%.. then with the daily 20% boost could end up almost 40% fan boost... plus I like grinding for the 87 90 showdown players to go in my other teams

Oh and I already got 95 doncic and 95 jokic from this current promo.. and I'm nearly at getting a 92 heild too.. all FTP.. so nothing wasted over here
Yeah, you dont need grind SD if you are 92+ ovr.

I'm 50k fans away from legend. Autoplaying most of the matches. Since I'm 93 ovr this is a walk in the park for my team.

There is more people playing this week tho. I'm 2700 right now, last week was a lot higher with the same fans.


Rookie 2
Kinda weak prizes for top 2500 no? An elite jersey with 8% fans? I already have that. I figure if you grind that damn hard you should get like 10-15%

Nah, bc now.....if you're lucky after several weeks....you can get a court that gives you a semi-useless rep boost too. Smh

Idk why anyone, in their right mind, would grind for top 100.....even top 1000 at this point since time is better spent on promos. Grind hard for 7 days for a slap in the face haha. Seems logical

yea getting legend is enough, no need to waste that much time for a low benefit


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