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Showdown Reward? Seriously????


Rookie 1
I've just started this game, but like how I always play games, I try to do fine. As it is impossible for me to join the top League, I forced myself into the top Showdown chart.

Curious about the rewards, I checked youtube and found a video by streamer showing how frustrated he was that the rewards were simply 'nothing' other than Jersey and some 'collectibles that's not even valuable.

Anyone agree with me or you all happy with that Jersey with 8% boost fans ? 🤣😂.

I hope someone is working for NBALM here and maybe learn to be more open to what players strive for!! Winning and rewards. At least give a good card like 101++ OVR card for top 100 and maybe 107 ovr for top 10.

I hope the league rewards is worth it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Maybe you guys will get OVR 90++ to start new season. I mean? What else they gonna give? Seriously.

I mean, if they put high rewards for Showdown, their business will grow even better!!! Players will strive for winning, buy players, buy coins or in game cash, buy...
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
1. Nothing from SD is auctionable
2. No top league will let in a person with 93 overall tou started too late to be of any value to a league especially one full of 110+ overalls
3. The rewards are to work towards the SD masters not the jerseys that's a bonus to help you get fans faster


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Sorry you said in your other post you're a 101 I went by the picture before you said that but the sentiment still stands no one on the leaderboard will accept a low overall and I moved this thread to the proper section it didn't belong in the franchise section


Rookie 1
Yuppp I understand about the league thats why I mentioned I tried to check out what's Showdown going to give us this time, on my first week of playing 🤣

I was 101 before the AH down and now only 99 actually as I sold my 104 buzzer beater Beal to get 105 Wade, but unfortunately AH went down 🤣. And I know that's a low OVR. But I could get to 110 this week if I want too 😐. If only the fun worth my real cash and some extra headache playing hard.

That's why I asked... what is the reward of LvL? Is that even worth it for the hassle? I asked because I'm kinda deciding if this game worth some 'push' or not. It's all about rewards to me personally. Because for now getting the Elite Token only worth 'nothing'.. it sold roughly $5-8k last week.

What is SD master? And what is the reward for that bro? Because I finished somewhere around 55th before and all I got is to pick the Jersey, plenty of Jersey and I pick the 1975 Warriors thought it got more boost or something but no hahahaha. That boost as I remember is similar to Knicks Jersey I got from the 'SET'. But I didn't like the colour HAHAHA

Thanks for your answer..



Rookie 1
Yeah, the only real reason to do showdown are the rewards that go towards the SD masters.

Getting a high rank there doesn't mean much since anyone with a team and plenty of energy reffils can reach the top500.

The SD masters which currently cap at 107 might not seem much to some and not worth the long grind to get them, but those are great solid cards. better than most other 107-108 cards out there. They are not meant to be easy to get.

Also, the SD masters increase ovr per time. so while they cap at 107 right now, the next expected update should bring them to 109 ovr and possibly 110 afterwards.

If you're just passing through, before moving to the next game, the SD is not for you. For those in it for the long haul, acquiring the SD masters is the way to go.

Although i should add that since the season is ending in about a month, unless you've already progresssed enought, reaching 107 or higher with those players is probably impossible without paying real $$


Rookie 1
Just saw your lineup.

Don't evolve the 70ovr elevate players.

it's huge waste at this point.
there are better 90ovr elevates as well as the 92ovr from the current event.

Also, chrome cards can also be elevated.
you can get curry or giannis or other big name players etc and build them to 105.

in AH you can easily set filters to look for 90 ovr players that are platinum type.
that should show you all the players you can elevate.


Rookie 1
What is SD master?

From Main menu, If you go to SETS->SHOWDOWN
The 5 players listed there are the SD masters.
Using the silver, gold, elite, and platinum tokens you earn from Showdonn, you can increase their OVR over time.


Rookie 1
Just saw your lineup.

Don't evolve the 70ovr elevate players.

it's huge waste at this point.
there are better 90ovr elevates as well as the 92ovr from the current event.

Also, chrome cards can also be elevated.
you can get curry or giannis or other big name players etc and build them to 105.

in AH you can easily set filters to look for 90 ovr players that are platinum type.
that should show you all the players you can elevate.

This is very helpful bro... chrome card? Man I literally started last Wednesday, LOL. What are those chrome cards and how to get them? You got photos?

Now I know what i SD Master, I got Ingles.

However, Showdown is not the smart way to grind this type of player. Its BETA Live Game. I know its laggy sometimes and take forever to find matches.

However, in 3 days I turned him into 93. Until I realised it's a waste of time since to wait for an opponent on Arena Mode took me 2-3 minutes. I decided to grab Giannis instead, not so expensive and good (boosted too).

My calculation to get SD Master to 100++? Might give me too much headache. But if we win the Arena, I believe it gives almost like what we got on being on TOP 100 Weekly SD.

Premium Arena mode is kinda accelerated Showdown, even the rewards kinda similar.


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Rookie 1
Arena mode is beta and was introduce less than a month ago.
It's buggy/laggy and has a myriad of issues that might not even ever get resolved tbh

The rewards there are small on purpose since it will reset with the new season and devs didn't want people feel that they missed some good award due to not having enough time to grind it

Showdown is the best way to get the tokens you need for SD masters.
finishing over 400K fans and even better being in the top 10000

Showdown the wait is usually just a few seconds to get paired for matches ( might be an issue finding matches if you join with a 99 or lower ovr team)


Rookie 2
Arena mode is beta and was introduce less than a month ago.
It's buggy/laggy and has a myriad of issues that might not even ever get resolved tbh

The rewards there are small on purpose since it will reset with the new season and devs didn't want people feel that they missed some good award due to not having enough time to grind it

Showdown is the best way to get the tokens you need for SD masters.
finishing over 400K fans and even better being in the top 10000

Showdown the wait is usually just a few seconds to get paired for matches ( might be an issue finding matches if you join with a 99 or lower ovr team)

Agreed. I played with high speed wifi @ hm with all fibre optic cables over here, and its still a little laggy.

And forget abt playing arena while your phone is on network, than wifi. Its basically FOS using the telco network on commute.


Rookie 1
Arena mode is beta and was introduce less than a month ago.
It's buggy/laggy and has a myriad of issues that might not even ever get resolved tbh

The rewards there are small on purpose since it will reset with the new season and devs didn't want people feel that they missed some good award due to not having enough time to grind it

Showdown is the best way to get the tokens you need for SD masters.
finishing over 400K fans and even better being in the top 10000

Showdown the wait is usually just a few seconds to get paired for matches ( might be an issue finding matches if you join with a 99 or lower ovr team)
Agreed. I played with high speed wifi @ hm with all fibre optic cables over here, and its still a little laggy.

And forget abt playing arena while your phone is on network, than wifi. Its basically FOS using the telco network on commute.

Well I upload my experience on the 5th match today and try to upload it to see some other perspective... to me personally, I experience more of a good play than Lag or Issue. My location is even far from the server (I assume US or China), as I live in Australia.

Please have a look

The thing is we are only allowed to play (win) maximum of 4 entry to the tournament. However, adding the SHOWDOWN REP PACK that we can purchase using rep (star) points after winning 100,000, I found myself upgrading my SD Master good enough.

I compare it carefully yo what I get yesterday from finishing 55th on Showdown.


Rookie 1
I select Quicken Loans Arena every time I get a court choice, as for some reason that one is auctionable....won't net a ton but 40K or so each week is better than just another useless court in your collection.

If you just started some of those beta rewards that are useless for those of us who have played all season and already have most of the good items.... are actually decent for you but will require a lot of effort as well (Boomer, All-NBA first team and Stuff coaching boosts), as well as a couple courts with boosts like Halloween, the pitch, frozen rink and the village.
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Rookie 1
I select Quicken Loans Arena every time I get a court choice, as for some reason that one is auctionable....won't net a ton but 40K or so each week is better than just another useless court in your collection.

If you just started some of those beta rewards that are useless for those of us who have played all season and already have most of the good items.... are actually decent for you but will require a lot of effort as well (Boomer, All-NBA first team and Stuff coaching boosts), as well as a couple courts with boosts like Halloween, the pitch, frozen rink and the village.

I hope they add coins betting to this Arena play. However, of course they gotta sort out division sort of group otherwise there is no way 99ovr will win a bet against 110 LOL.


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