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Showdown Question


Rookie 1
For those that finish in the top 1000, do they get an 85 ovr player with a chance at 85 ovr Curry, or do they just get the 85 ovr Curry? Thanks


Pro 1
I guess It should be one random 85ovr with chance of curry + the legendary pack for top1000.

I have the same doubt tho, as the text in different languages allows both interpretations. I even thought for a bit that you could get Curry+other 85, but I guess that's wanting too much :p
I know in the previous weeks to the right of Current Leaders under "Exclusive Players" it would normally have many different players but now it's only Stephen Curry.


Rookie 1
Can I get the Curry 85 OVR card by just finishing in the top 1000? or Do I need to achieve Legend tier with top 1000?

Last week, I was in the top 200 with 1,200k SD scores, but I couldn't get a top 200 reward.


All-Star 3
Can I get the Curry 85 OVR card by just finishing in the top 1000? or Do I need to achieve Legend tier with top 1000?

Last week, I was in the top 200 with 1,200k SD scores, but I couldn't get a top 200 reward.
As of now the assumption is if u dont reach legend tier, you won't get the reward.. but this showdown onwards we cant say.. as I doubt the top 10000 will get legend tier


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Can I get the Curry 85 OVR card by just finishing in the top 1000? or Do I need to achieve Legend tier with top 1000?

Last week, I was in the top 200 with 1,200k SD scores, but I couldn't get a top 200 reward.

Like always the card rewards graphic is connected to the legend tier graphic meaning you need to be in legend tier to get one of the reward cards it was always like that so despite rewards going as far as top 10 and the fact that there has never been 10k people in legend tier (that I know of) since SD came out there's no chance 10k people reach legend tier in a week unless they give out outrageous cards like 90+ with abilities when the next best cards available are 87


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Can I get the Curry 85 OVR card by just finishing in the top 1000? or Do I need to achieve Legend tier with top 1000?

Last week, I was in the top 200 with 1,200k SD scores, but I couldn't get a top 200 reward.

Like always the card rewards graphic is connected to the legend tier graphic meaning you need to be in legend tier to get one of the reward cards it was always like that so despite rewards going as far as top 10 and the fact that there has never been 10k people in legend tier (that I know of) since SD came out there's no chance 10k people reach legend tier in a week unless they give out outrageous cards like 90+ with abilities when the next best cards available are 87

This was just confirmed


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Rookie 1
This Kyre showdown season is even more confusing as there is a confliction as to the rewards this time around.

Home discription says kyre in top 1000 rewards
Showdown end of season reward shows kyre as top 1000 reward.

So what?s it gunna be?
This Kyre showdown season is even more confusing as there is a confliction as to the rewards this time around.

Home discription says kyre in top 1000 rewards
Showdown end of season reward shows kyre as top 1000 reward.

So what?s it gunna be?

Same as last week. Curry was in Kyrie's place last week. It's designed that way in the SD screen to get more people to play. You're not guaranteed a specific player if you're top 1000. There were I think 5 players EA randomly gave out to the top 1000 last week. This week should be those same 5 plus Kyrie and whatever other players that are hidden.
Hmm okay I don?t quite recall seeing curry in the end of season rewards tab I believe it only had 85+ thanks tho

Actually, you're right. Curry wasn't in the actual tab last week! I thought you just meant the far right portion of the SD screen. I really don't know for sure, now because it's literally Kyrie but last week it was just an 85.

Edit: It's only been a day and 5 hours passed and it's looking like just cracking the top 1K will require at least 2M fans at the rate people are going currently. This could obviously change as people get tired of the grind or just don't have the time, etc.

Man, can any of the SD vets confirm whether there's significance to Kyrie being actually pictured instead of the regular fan boost 85? Last week was supposed to be the "Introduction of Curry" to SD rewards, but it only had the regular 85 boost posted.


All-Star 3
Hmm okay I don?t quite recall seeing curry in the end of season rewards tab I believe it only had 85+ thanks tho

Actually, you're right. Curry wasn't in the actually tab last week! I thought you just meant the far right portion of the SD screen. I really don't know for sure, now because it's literally Kyrie but last week it was just an 85.

Edit: It's only been a day and 5 hours passed and it's looking like just cracking the top 1K will require at least 2M fans at the rate people are going currently. This could obviously change as people get tired of the grind or just don't have the time, etc.

Man, can any of the SD vets confirm whether there's significance to Kyrie being actually pictured instead of the regular fan boost 85? Last week was supposed to be the "Introduction of Curry" to SD rewards, but it only had the regular 85 boost posted.

No way of knowing.. ya looks like it's going to be a long grind..


Rookie 1
Hmm okay I don?t quite recall seeing curry in the end of season rewards tab I believe it only had 85+ thanks tho

Actually, you're right. Curry wasn't in the actually tab last week! I thought you just meant the far right portion of the SD screen. I really don't know for sure, now because it's literally Kyrie but last week it was just an 85.

Edit: It's only been a day and 5 hours passed and it's looking like just cracking the top 1K will require at least 2M fans at the rate people are going currently. This could obviously change as people get tired of the grind or just don't have the time, etc.

Man, can any of the SD vets confirm whether there's significance to Kyrie being actually pictured instead of the regular fan boost 85? Last week was supposed to be the "Introduction of Curry" to SD rewards, but it only had the regular 85 boost posted.

Yes this is exactly what I meant I?m a showdown vet when I go for it I get it but this is what?s confusing to me I don?t think I?ve seen that before
Hmm okay I don?t quite recall seeing curry in the end of season rewards tab I believe it only had 85+ thanks tho

Actually, you're right. Curry wasn't in the actually tab last week! I thought you just meant the far right portion of the SD screen. I really don't know for sure, now because it's literally Kyrie but last week it was just an 85.

Edit: It's only been a day and 5 hours passed and it's looking like just cracking the top 1K will require at least 2M fans at the rate people are going currently. This could obviously change as people get tired of the grind or just don't have the time, etc.

Man, can any of the SD vets confirm whether there's significance to Kyrie being actually pictured instead of the regular fan boost 85? Last week was supposed to be the "Introduction of Curry" to SD rewards, but it only had the regular 85 boost posted.

Yes this is exactly what I meant I?m a showdown vet when I go for it I get it but this is what?s confusing to me I don?t think I?ve seen that before

I wonder if Brian would be able to come out and tell us straight up whether top 1K are guranteed Irving?

Also, you sound like someone I should be asking for tips from because I want to delete the app sometimes because of SD lol. Just had a match where all of the shots I was making, are now all misses. Still open, just bricks. I said, okay, I'll take it inside. Finally scored a little more, but even missed an open layup. Match ends, I win my quarter by 3, they win theirs by 3. I lose the tie breaker due to their 71% vs my 50 (from all the bricks at the beginning of the match.


All-Star 1
Hmm okay I don?t quite recall seeing curry in the end of season rewards tab I believe it only had 85+ thanks tho

Actually, you're right. Curry wasn't in the actually tab last week! I thought you just meant the far right portion of the SD screen. I really don't know for sure, now because it's literally Kyrie but last week it was just an 85.

Edit: It's only been a day and 5 hours passed and it's looking like just cracking the top 1K will require at least 2M fans at the rate people are going currently. This could obviously change as people get tired of the grind or just don't have the time, etc.

Man, can any of the SD vets confirm whether there's significance to Kyrie being actually pictured instead of the regular fan boost 85? Last week was supposed to be the "Introduction of Curry" to SD rewards, but it only had the regular 85 boost posted.

Yes this is exactly what I meant I?m a showdown vet when I go for it I get it but this is what?s confusing to me I don?t think I?ve seen that before
I don't have a degree in deciphering EA's cryptic content but my experience tells me that Kyrie is definitely not a guarantee for everyone that reaches Top 1000 and completes Legend tier. More likely, you've now entered the chance realm that EA loves so much to tempt us. Having said that, the real question is whether the other rewards will be capped at 85 again or if new cards at 87 will be introduced along with Kyrie? Feels like Kyrie is this week's Curry - meaning they're trying to tempt us with the thought of getting Kyrie but more than likely we'll get another Oladipo SG or Hayward SF for our efforts. :roll:


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