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Showdown players "Tokens Set"


Rookie 1
I have 129 tokens for the set and after the showdown season resets it will give another elites token for it as a reward. My question is do you think there's gonna be another set of some kind or there will be none? Im confused right now and torn between getting any showdown player or save it for the next set(assuming there will be) .. Any news about it?Thanks


Rookie 3
I have 129 tokens for the set and after the showdown season resets it will give another elites token for it as a reward. My question is do you think there's gonna be another set of some kind or there will be none? Im confused right now and torn between getting any showdown player or save it for the next set(assuming there will be) .. Any news about it?Thanks

we will get the news from nbalm asia and there have to be sets but you never know what they will do


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
i would say use them in the sets while yoy still have time, its EA afterall

Bad idea since the current showdown players will become superstar sets and you can exchange the elite showdown tokens for superstar tokens and build a showdown player for 100 tokens instead of 120


Rookie 1
I am so glad I missed the showdown and now instead of 1 elite I can exchange for 2 elites Hakeem and LBJ that I can sell


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