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Showdown OVR Increase bringing new token type?

Ridiculous!! For weeks they have been given us the old tokens now all of a sudden they are changing the tokens when most of us have accumulated 100s! This is so shady even for EA! All this time SD packs should have given us the new tokens if they planned to change it!!


Pro 2
If they pull this I think I’m done.

They are def going to 107.

I “think” he means a platinum token that the existing tokens will go into. Like they did with the elevate tokens. So we would have a new set in SD to run what we have through. We already can exchange silver cups for gold pennants and gold pennants for elite balls. I have 4.8mil rep points. I damn well better not lose the ability to use them! They have no other value.

You’d think maybe just once a season they would reward the SD players with a first ovr - like 108. But I’d rather have 107s with boosts to team (in my dreams!)

I really think he does this coy crap on purpose. If not, he’s just stupid. (I’m sick today - why I was up at 2am my time, and grumpy).


All-Star 1
Trading in tokens isn't really that bad for SD players because you have sets to store them in. Granted that I haven't been going for Legend since daily objectives update but prior to that I was regularly Top 2500 or 5000. Even with that, I still haven't completed every set for every player and with the exchange sets you can easily reduce your inventory of cups for the much needed pennants.


All-Star 1
I just don't know why he would've mention new currency in the way he did, if it was just a platinum for quality of life improvement..... I wouldn't put it past em to toy with us, even this late in the proverbial game


Pro 2
Trading in tokens isn't really that bad for SD players because you have sets to store them in. Granted that I haven't been going for Legend since daily objectives update but prior to that I was regularly Top 2500 or 5000. Even with that, I still haven't completed every set for every player and with the exchange sets you can easily reduce your inventory of cups for the much needed pennants.
My cup runneth over. I went ahead and converted all my cups and pennants to elite tokens since we are getting platinum. I have a lot and space is always an issue. I’m guessing 10 balls per platinum token like the elevates. I’m typically top 100 each week so the tokens and going crazy.


Rookie 1
Ridiculous!! For weeks they have been given us the old tokens now all of a sudden they are changing the tokens when most of us have accumulated 100s! This is so shady even for EA! All this time SD packs should have given us the new tokens if they planned to change it!!
So it has already been reported that an increase to SD OVR is coming but wtf does this mean?

View attachment 1573


Pro 2
Damn. I just read this thread as if it were new. I’ve got 20 “foam fingers” and sold all my plat Elevate tokens and was about to stroke out. I’m an idiot. Breathe .....


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