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Showdown Elite Coach!


All-Star 3
Are you f'ing kidding me! F me...thanks for mentioning.

I was thinking about this for the achievement to have all "players" from your designated team. Even then I wondered if the coach would also be a requirement but never thought about it for the SD bonus.
Just picked that up from a Josh video yesterday or the day before... lol

who's the Josh if i may ask? I'm relatively new on who does vids on youtube for nbalm
Check out 4katosh on YouTube
Hes an ea 'game changer'
Offseason Mike Dantoni (search "mike" and offseason program to find) has a +4 max on ball pressure. I had to outbid someone for like 2 minutes straight but after one SD match I think it's worth it. I rarely get strips from the AI when they drive for a layup but got to in my first match.

For those that Know about Mike Dantoni, how funny is it that his boost is "on ball pressure"?? :) :) :)

For those out of the loop, Dantoni has always been a coach that is notorious for giving zero crap about defense and all about outscoring the opponent
Yeah, I used to think the coach didn't matter for this game. I just opped someone that Has the Elite Brad Stevens. I dont know what the boosts were, but I know that every player I guarded put a yellow diamond over my head which I think means "so so" at defending lol. I know green means you can stop them.

I've seen it where it's red, and I believe those are the ones where I typically get ramrodded.


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