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Showdown changes (Asia) + Draft Platinum sets...


Rookie 3
according to commondjapan in GG:

Jusf a heads up, the Showdown bonus was removed when they switched from Draft players to All Rookie cards. At present there is no bonus available.

and also:

I should also add that there is no longer a platinum draft set so if you thinking about doing that set you might want to hurry up and finish it.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Well the draft set had a timer on it and if there was a new one I would have mentioned it because I made sure to dig through the sets but didn't check Showdown because I didn't think they were that much of assholes to switch the bonus for the 2nd time in a past week but they proved that they are


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
now 3 award nominees. for the showdown bonus.. there goes like 6-7m 2 shit.... :D

Apparently it works with a coach and of course none of them give fan bonuses so you have to decide between a more expensive downgrade in overall or a cheaper way by using a coach and ditching a 15% or 25% fan bonus


Rookie 2
I ain't spending millions on mediocre cards to get a boost that could be changed any day.
Unless you reach the top 100, whatever reward you get will be worth less than the boost you spent on.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I ain't spending millions on mediocre cards to get a boost that could be changed any day.
Unless you reach the top 100, whatever reward you get will be worth less than the boost you spent on.

Well I picked up 2 players and a coach (confirmed to work with that combo) for that very reason because of how many people will think that way it won't lose too much value in the meantime it will obviously change to something around the award winners in 4 days but in the meantime I can enjoy the advantage not many will be taking while only dropping down to a 98 in my NBA lineup (I was barely a 99)


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