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Shooting percentages - anyone with the formula?


Pro 1
I remember than in S2 after the shooting percentage update, people shared a formula, that would let you know the percentage you could get once you knew about the 2pt or 3stat.

does anyone have the formulas that currently apply to this season?

For reasons unknown Davis Bertans continues to have an absolutely trashy 3-stat compared to his ability and it got even worse than s2. His stat 3pt stat is now 12. Yet it can reach 31%
, which is clearly too high in my view

So if one of the worst stats in the game still has a fair chance of success, can we really be surprised when AI centers are hitting turnaround fadeaways? and their 3-stats are usually far from being that bad, which is also a problem in the root.

31% is almost an average Kobe/MJ 3-percentage.

I would be in favor of lower, more realistic percentages but that seems to be an unpopular opinion, judging by the feedback around the shot-meter...but even with a 54 Abdel Nader we...
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All-Star 1
I wish the %'s were more reflective of actual shooting %'s in the NBA. So "lights out" would be above 40% from beyond 3pt line. Then publish a "streak" or "clutch" stat that gives the player a boost.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I wouldn't mind realistic percentages the problem with the shot meter was they tried accessing it instead starting with it if the game started with realistic percentages on the court then it wouldn't be as big of a problem as changing it in the drop of a hat but honestly if they started the beta with realistic percentages it probably wouldn't be in a 3rd season unless they made gameplay relative to a console game with it's not you can't run around throwing up 3s from the corner in Live or 2K and expect to make them at a good clip but making stuff realistic would require them not to nerf other stats like athleticism

Also I'm pretty sure the formula is the same or pretty damn close to it
It's an arcade game. Nobody wants to play two minute quarters and shoot 30-40% from three. You get enough quarters where your shooting is nerfed to offset the need for lower shooting percentages, IMO.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
It's an arcade game. Nobody wants to play two minute quarters and shoot 30-40% from three. You get enough quarters where your shooting is nerfed to offset the need for lower shooting percentages, IMO.

Yeah that's my point with how this game is set up if it was always at a realistic % then this game wouldn't have lasted as long so shorter time at higher percentages makes sense for a mobile game trying to turn it from a mobile game to playing like a console game just won't work they started it out that way so no point in drastically changing it to something that wouldn't fit it because the only balance to shooting under 60% from 3 at all times is to lengthen the quarters and who wants to stare at a small screen for an hour straight playing on 12 minute quarters for 4 quarters


All-Star 1
My point was more that the percentages should ?correlate? to real world. So if 40% 3pt FG % is among the highest in game then that would correspond to 69% of the time a 3 is made. The main advantage of using the actual percentage is most of the stats would no longer be at the whim of the devs as they could dump them right from a stat site. Then use a simple correction factor for the mobile aspect you guys are talking about.


Pro 1
I think it's a matter of range.

I'm not saying that a 70% open shot is too low

A good Klay card may very well shoot more than 70% in an open three.

And a tightly defended shot with a non-perfect release will get us the realistic percentages around 40%

But for example Joakim Noah, as a low bronze, with one of the worst 3-point in the game (10), being able to shoot around 30% seems too much to me. It's that bottom that seems to high for me, and I've made a similar post about this during s2.

@stewie I've found Josh's s2 post saying the formula was ((x + 4) ? 2) + b, but that doesn't fit either at the top or the bottom and even back then I contested his formula at a bronze level - https://www.nbalive.gg/forums/nba-live-mobile/nba-live-mobile-discussion/74276-everything-i-know-regarding-the-new-shooting?page=6#c113

Bertans - (12+4)/2+20= 28 - actual percentage 31 as seen above.

Leonard - (81+4)/2+20=62.5 - actual percentage 69/70

and If we are getting better percentages with the same stats (by 7% in a good elite), while having an easier shot-meter, I don't think my claims for lower percentages are that outrageous xD I just don't see why they needed a raise for this season.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I think it's a matter of range.

I'm not saying that a 70% open shot is too low

A good Klay card may very well shoot more than 70% in an open three.

And a tightly defended shot with a non-perfect release will get us the realistic percentages around 40%

But for example Joakim Noah, as a low bronze, with one of the worst 3-point in the game (10), being able to shoot around 30% seems too much to me. It's that bottom that seems to high for me, and I've made a similar post about this during s2.

@stewie I've found Josh's s2 post saying the formula was ((x + 4) ? 2) + b, but that doesn't fit either at the top or the bottom and even back then I contested his formula at a bronze level - https://www.nbalive.gg/forums/nba-live-mobile/nba-live-mobile-discussion/74276-everything-i-know-regarding-the-new-shooting?page=6#c113

Bertans - (12+4)/2+20= 28 - actual percentage 31 as seen above.

Leonard - (81+4)/2+20=62.5 - actual percentage 69/70

and If we are getting better percentages with the same stats (by 7% in a good elite), while having an easier shot-meter, I don't think my claims for lower percentages are that outrageous xD I just don't see why they needed a raise for this season.

The formula fit last year for sure then they made some changes to it but at the time it was first posted by him it fit perfectly in every single case I looked over which including the lowest of 3pt ratings granted this stuff is meant to kept secret by EA hence why they most likely changed it because they don't want users to know important formulas like that of shooting, AH, and stats in general


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