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Share your playstyle line-ups!


Pro 1
5 days after the line-ups update, how are your play-style line-ups at the moment?

Mine are below, got a good share of the bench players the day we knew the date of the line-ups update. Only new entry since the update emerged was Ingram.

Maybe not a very worthy investment if there are no ovr-restricted events, but 84 looks like a good bar for me now :)


Share yours!


All-Star 3
Your lineups are looking great.


  • 20181114_100122.jpg
    1.1 MB · Views: 978
  • 20181114_100105.jpg
    1.1 MB · Views: 990
  • 20181114_100047.jpg
    1.1 MB · Views: 965


Rookie 3
gr8 lineups!
with Harvest looming.. i have only kept my NBA lineup @ 85 and have blown the others up, and sold almost everything... down to 81 across the board


All-Star 3
gr8 lineups!
with Harvest looming.. i have only kept my NBA lineup @ 85 and have blown the others up, and sold almost everything... down to 81 across the board
Thought abt doing that.. but the way the game is structured rt now u need a lot of coin to be truly high in ovr.. anything less than that doesnt make much diff as we wouldnt spend it waiting for a 'worth it' purchase..
.. not going to work the ah.. just make money of promos.. try cards once in a while..
So just keeping 90% of what i pull..


Rookie 3
gr8 lineups!
with Harvest looming.. i have only kept my NBA lineup @ 85 and have blown the others up, and sold almost everything... down to 81 across the board
Thought abt doing that.. but the way the game is structured rt now u need a lot of coin to be truly high in ovr.. anything less than that doesnt make much diff as we wouldnt spend it waiting for a 'worth it' purchase..
.. not going to work the ah.. just make money of promos.. try cards once in a while..
So just keeping 90% of what i pull..

i suspect there will be another mini-AH collapse once the promo starts, as ppl will start selling their 83-85's.. and at this stage, its already happened with SG's (thanks mainly to the "free" Butler
This promo is a bit different from other promos, however, since you don't need gold or elite players to complete the sets. Brian has repeatedly said that having a large number of coins won't help you with the promo. If the 83-86 heroes are auctionable, the demand for them won't be anywhere near as great as regular promo elites. Brian has already made it pretty clear that it won't be easy to grind out the 89 OVRs so I figure this promo won't have a seismic effect on the AH.


All-Star 1
gr8 lineups!
with Harvest looming.. i have only kept my NBA lineup @ 85 and have blown the others up, and sold almost everything... down to 81 across the board
Thought abt doing that.. but the way the game is structured rt now u need a lot of coin to be truly high in ovr.. anything less than that doesnt make much diff as we wouldnt spend it waiting for a 'worth it' purchase..
.. not going to work the ah.. just make money of promos.. try cards once in a while..
So just keeping 90% of what i pull..

i suspect there will be another mini-AH collapse once the promo starts, as ppl will start selling their 83-85's.. and at this stage, its already happened with SG's (thanks mainly to the "free" Butler
I was just about to sell what I have and realized that I don?t have anything worth selling except an 84 Simmons that?s still on my main bench. Everything else is 83 or less or unauctionable. I?ve put zero into these other lineups so I?m not too surprised.


Rookie 3
This promo is a bit different from other promos, however, since you don't need gold or elite players to complete the sets. Brian has repeatedly said that having a large number of coins won't help you with the promo. If the 83-86 heroes are auctionable, the demand for them won't be anywhere near as great as regular promo elites. Brian has already made it pretty clear that it won't be easy to grind out the 89 OVRs so I figure this promo won't have a seismic effect on the AH.

that is why i think the AH will slide, not as much as the "AH-reset" but with so many new 83+ coming along its inevitable.. plus, new cards ALWAYS shoot better


Pro 1
Yours are looking fine as well @anatdoc and thanks @g2themoney

I ended trimming my line-ups a bit while keeping them at 84

* 83 Lowry for 80 Murray, 82 Aldridge for 80 Love
* 83 McCollum for 83 Butler, 81 Ingram is up to 82. 82 Gordon for 80 Markkanen
* 82 Howard for 80 Jokic

I'm staying with elites in all 30 spots - if some set emerges asking for base elites, I have a cushion there, as my inventory is dry.

I agree that selling stuff in the range 81-83 may be good idea, but if the harvest sets are demanding, maybe it will take a while for these new cards to affect the values of the current ones.

On the other hand, if there are lots of auctionable 83-86 being pumped easily into the AH and demand isn't good for them as commondjapan is hinting to, I think G2 will be right.


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