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Sell or keep 89 Curry ?


Rookie 1
I just bought 89 curry for 1.6 mil. I?m Planning on using him to complete the set for the 90 curry that is supposedly going to come out on cyber monday, which I?m then planning on selling for 3 mil (if not more) and end up making around 1 mil in profit after tax. I really can not see this 89 Harvest Master steph curry going for under 1.5 mil, so I figured that if this does not go as planned I can always resell him and worst case scenario only loose like 100-200k coins. Do you guys think this will work or should I just resell the 89 curry that I just bought right now and avoid loosing a bunch of coins later?


All-Star 1
Do you have any Curry that you built? You could sell that one (when it becomes auctionable) to offset the investment in the 89 and add to your proceeds with the 90.


All-Star 1
Better hope EA didn't make the set in such a way that you can't cheat the system by buying the 89 instead of grinding it.


Rookie 1
Do you have any Curry that you built? You could sell that one (when it becomes auctionable) to offset the investment in the 89 and add to your proceeds with the 90.

I honestly never even knew that they would become auctionable, I?m 25 tokens away from the 83 curry lol so he wont be going for much If I am able to sell him. I have only been focusing on tatum and mutombo since the start of the promo.


Rookie 1
I just bought 89 curry for 1.6 mil. I?m Planning on using him to complete the set for the 90 curry that is supposedly going to come out on cyber monday, which I?m then planning on selling for 3 mil (if not more) and end up making around 1 mil in profit after tax. I really can not see this 89 Harvest Master steph curry going for under 1.5 mil, so I figured that if this does not go as planned I can always resell him and worst case scenario only loose like 100-200k coins. Do you guys think this will work or should I just resell the 89 curry that I just bought right now and avoid loosing a bunch of coins later?

How the hell did you get him for 1.6m :shock:

Edit: Oh i see it now, why did they reduce curry compared to the other masters?


Rookie 1
Some people may not be aware that there will be an upgrade set on Monday. The price of 89 Curry could spike upwards then.
I would sell 89 Curry (if that's what you want) on Monday. Some people will buy the 89 to do the 90 set (89 +100 BF tokens). Prices could go higher.


Rookie 1
Did you still sell your 89 ovr Curry? the one i bought refused to sell..

When that black friday pack glitch was active I spent 1.2 mil and had 680 BF tickets. I spent them all by trading them in for tourney tokens and completing the set for curry thinking that If I did his set I would be able to get the other 2 Harvest masters and be able to get Tim Duncan, but I was wrong lol. Now I?m stuck with 2 currys. Im kinda mad at myself for not using my BF tickets wisely because I could have had 90 curry, 90 mutombo, and 90 Kawhi (when he comes out). Now I?m just waiting until monday and hoping that the price for 89 curry goes up to atleast 1.5 mil because In my AH they?re selling for about 950k and there?s now way imma sell him for that price.


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