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Sell Ghost Drummond?


Rookie 1
I just purchased the 10k ghost pack and I ended up with Drummond and Markkanen , the marks gameplay is great. I love the clutch ability, Drummond on the other hand is just trash. I played about 20 H2H games and he only have one rebound. I used his IDP ability once and he missed the dunk. Right now I'm hugely disappointed. I don't ask much from my Centers but getting the occasional rebound is one of them. I really wanted Wilt but that's not happening. Should I sell Drummond and pick up another center and just wait out the gameplay for a few days?


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I hope you're not confusing Russell with Wilt because someone in a chat I'm in keeps doing that they think Russell's ghost card is actually a Will ghost card but if you mean the 90 imoact Wilt it's pretty good I have it but as for Drummond I sold him because he sucked for me too I found Russell to play much better and his ability is much more useful as long as you try to shoot it near the 3pt line you should almost never miss it

If you want to sell him and snipe Russell you can but there is a Moses Malone card coming in a day and a half which may be grindable all the way to 94 overall so that could be an option for you as well either way selling him now would be the better option then welcome gh your options when Malone comes


Rookie 1
If you don?t like Drummond, then now is definitely the time for you to sell him man because his value is only going to drop lower


Rookie 1
I hope you're not confusing Russell with Wilt because someone in a chat I'm in keeps doing that they think Russell's ghost card is actually a Will ghost card but if you mean the 90 imoact Wilt it's pretty good I have it but as for Drummond I sold him because he sucked for me too I found Russell to play much better and his ability is much more useful as long as you try to shoot it near the 3pt line you should almost never miss it

If you want to sell him and snipe Russell you can but there is a Moses Malone card coming in a day and a half which may be grindable all the way to 94 overall so that could be an option for you as well either way selling him now would be the better option then welcome gh your options when Malone comes

Is it a new promo? I mean Bill Russell, Drummond is always in position to get a rebound but he never comes down with it.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I hope you're not confusing Russell with Wilt because someone in a chat I'm in keeps doing that they think Russell's ghost card is actually a Will ghost card but if you mean the 90 imoact Wilt it's pretty good I have it but as for Drummond I sold him because he sucked for me too I found Russell to play much better and his ability is much more useful as long as you try to shoot it near the 3pt line you should almost never miss it

If you want to sell him and snipe Russell you can but there is a Moses Malone card coming in a day and a half which may be grindable all the way to 94 overall so that could be an option for you as well either way selling him now would be the better option then welcome gh your options when Malone comes

Is it a new promo? I mean Bill Russell, Drummond is always in position to get a rebound but he never comes down with it.

Yes the New Year's promo is on the homepage of this site
Drummond & Bagley are the worst Ghost players. They are really a ghost, lmao, i dont notice them until they miss the ITP ability.

There are a lot of them in my AH & very little demand. It's gonna be hard for you to sell it


Rookie 1
Drummond & Bagley are the worst Ghost players. They are really a ghost, lmao, i dont notice them until they miss the ITP ability.

There are a lot of them in my AH & very little demand. It's gonna be hard for you to sell it

I picked up Ghost Bill Russell, better rebounder and much better ability. It cost me about 500k extra but has already paid off for me.


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