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Season score


Rookie 3
I got a tweet from Brian Waggoner.. Season score won't be adjusted...

"Unfortunately, no. The team is working super hard right now to get S3 out to you guys very soon!"

So 200 is unattainable..


All-Star 1
Pretty pathetic. I'm sure season score was part of the S2 plan from the get go & they can't even get some code correct? Doesn't give me any warm fuzzies for S3. I fully expect a bunch of crashes, glitches, and things that otherwise don't work as intended.....


Rookie 3
Shit thing is my alt a/c which I've hardly used has finished more achievements in the last few days and hence a higher achievement score..
Any whos... @ least the fixed the packs yesterday extremely quickly.. Maybe this is a sign


All-Star 3
Shit thing is my alt a/c which I've hardly used has finished more achievements in the last few days and hence a higher achievement score..
Any whos... @ least the fixed the packs yesterday extremely quickly.. Maybe this is a sign

Yup same here


Rookie 3
more info from Brian, RE: what carries over 2 S3:

"Cash will, rep won?t. Be sure to spend your rep on the pantheon rep packs on wednesdays"


All-Star 1
more info from Brian, RE: what carries over 2 S3:

"Cash will, rep won?t. Be sure to spend your rep on the pantheon rep packs on wednesdays"
I wonder if this means those shards will be worth anything if you've already completed the AD Pantheon set?? I suppose training at the very least or maybe they'll come out with a random 100 set for a plat?!


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