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Season score issue, does anyone have all achievements counted?

My league mates and I have completed all our achievements but they are not counting towards our season scores. I was wondering if anyone has 100/100 achievements or close to it? It seems like the season score is only counting completed achievements after it was released in the game and not counting previously completed achievements.

I'm just trying to get an understanding of whether only few users are experiencing this or if everyone is? I'm getting nowhere dealing with EA customer service as usual :evil:
Objectives and League are glitched. That?s why they gave us two free Here and Now packs with the rationale being that free 90 OVRs are better than a base elite from Season Score packs.
Objectives and League are glitched. That?s why they gave us two free Here and Now packs with the rationale being that free 90 OVRs are better than a base elite from Season Score packs.

Ah I see so those packs were compensation, I didn't know that. All this time I thought they were going to fix it but since we got the packs I'm assuming that isn't going to happen. Customer service had me running around thinking I was the only having this problem telling me it's not a known issue. Had they told me this I wouldn't have bothered going back and forth with them for days. Thanks for your response.


NBA Legend
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Objectives and League are glitched. That?s why they gave us two free Here and Now packs with the rationale being that free 90 OVRs are better than a base elite from Season Score packs.

Ah I see so those packs were compensation, I didn't know that. All this time I thought they were going to fix it but since we got the packs I'm assuming that isn't going to happen. Customer service had me running around thinking I was the only having this problem telling me it's not a known issue. Had they told me this I wouldn't have bothered going back and forth with them for days. Thanks for your response.

They're well documented as idiots that know nothing about what they have to support


Rookie 2
My seasons score is also screwed up.

And of course, it is low...once I achieved the seasons objective for Harden Masters 96, and the dailies focused more on SD achievements, why would I continue to play seasons continuously when EA has left it to rot? :roll: :lol:


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