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Season 5 Bug/Glitch Thread


Rookie 1
Is there a trick to progress faster? Besides obvious objectives (around 100) and 2 ads? I am around 2000 mark and only see an option to buy 1000 cash pack which gives 100 points...


Pro 2
You actually can get Jokic. I just did. I got to 3k pts yesterday and only got Kawhi. Saw somebody on Discord say it was broken, figure I'd wait it out. But today I noticed that the LP points meter on the Main Menu was still not full but when I went into the LP menu, it turned green and was full. Went back to Main and saw I only had 2950. So I finished a daily objective and it changed to 2960. Finished the rest and I got Jokic when the meter hit 3k
glad you got it. I cant. I completed 3k Friday. I’ve completed all the dailies for 2 days since then and most today. The counter on the Home Screen doesn’t move, but all along my event counter in LP is showing 3k complete. Really frustrating. Maybe it worked for you because you waited. This is what I’ve seen since Friday morning -


And today’s daily page

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All-Star 1
glad you got it. I cant. I completed 3k Friday. I’ve completed all the dailies for 2 days since then and most today. The counter on the Home Screen doesn’t move, but all along my event counter in LP is showing 3k complete. Really frustrating. Maybe it worked for you because you waited. This is what I’ve seen since Friday morning -

View attachment 5710 View attachment 5711

And today’s daily page

View attachment 5713
Strange, idk what the issue is. Your meter shows the same as mine did, on the Main Menu. Not sure why mine sterted gaining points again.

Not that it helps...... But I think you'll like Jokic if you ever get him. Sick shot and really athletic


Pro 2
Strange, idk what the issue is. Your meter shows the same as mine did, on the Main Menu. Not sure why mine sterted gaining points again.

Not that it helps...... But I think you'll like Jokic if you ever get him. Sick shot and really athletic
lol. Yeah doesn’t help. I assumed he could be dominant. His ai is likely to be a real pain too.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
The League result bug is annoying waiting several hours to get the reward I accidentally let almost 12 hours pass in-between tournaments because I didn't know it ended and I logged in twice in that time span before I was finally given a notification in game that it ended but before that I got one that said it was ending soon which made 0 sense

Thomas Lee

Rookie 1
Hello, is there anyone have a glitch like me with live pass point recorded to campaign? Mine stuck at 1670, 1630 and 0
While my current live pass is already 2300

This is annoying, I am trying to get Kerr boost since there are still quite some time before the conference finals promo started.

Anyone can help with the issue?


Rookie 1
Hello, is there anyone have a glitch like me with live pass point recorded to campaign? Mine stuck at 1670, 1630 and 0
While my current live pass is already 2300

This is annoying, I am trying to get Kerr boost since there are still quite some time before the conference finals promo started.

Anyone can help with the issue?
I'VE got the same problem ffs

Thomas Lee

Rookie 1
I'm not sure if it's just me, do any of you receive MM pts from winning the showdown? I don't get any while it is always shown 25 mm pts after winning the game
Guys whenever I try to watch my daily ads... Most of the time it's a black screen.
Any way to fix it?
I use my android tablet to play this game.


Rookie 1
New earned edition 4th of July jersey with red deadeye is not working. I can use it, but it did not add me +4 on shooting skills.

Showdown wins - no 25 MM points.

Win 5 players or items in auction achievment not working since i started playing.

Thomas Lee

Rookie 1
New earned edition 4th of July jersey with red deadeye is not working. I can use it, but it did not add me +4 on shooting skills.

Showdown wins - no 25 MM points.

Win 5 players or items in auction achievment not working since i started playing.
Yeah I got the same issue earlier with previous promo but they fixed it once the promo's done. Hopefully they'll fix the boost stats


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