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Season 4 Complaint/Suggestion Thread


Pro 2
This morning as I watched ai pg’s and centers rocket to the hole if given 1 millimeter of room (or no room at all) it occurred to me what I was seeing - exactly the same as a card using its ITP ability. So what’s the point of ITP when every card‘s ai has it already? “EA - It’s in the fungible coding, not the game.”


Pro 2
any idea as to when this season 4 is ending? weve done 2 halloween events within a season, and thanksgiving is around the corner, next christmas


Rookie 1
I work for google as a developer and found one basic feature missing.

Users are currently required to read every message and click on Dismiss button separately.

There are a lot of unwanted messages related to auction and other stuff where user has to waste his time clearing the junk.

Why don't we have "DISMISS ALL" feature in the message section through which users can dismiss all the messages in one go ?

I will keep coming up with suggestions with a hope that your analyst will put it up to the developer and get it modified so that users can experience a more efficient game-play.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I work for google as a developer and found one basic feature missing.

Users are currently required to read every message and click on Dismiss button separately.

There are a lot of unwanted messages related to auction and other stuff where user has to waste his time clearing the junk.

Why don't we have "DISMISS ALL" feature in the message section through which users can dismiss all the messages in one go ?

I will keep coming up with suggestions with a hope that your analyst will put it up to the developer and get it modified so that users can experience a more efficient game-play.
We aren't EA this is an independent forum so there is nothing we can actually do about that

There's a dismiss all button in Madden Mobile or FIFA Mobile (maybe both) but this is the least valuable of the EA mobile games so it gets things last


Rookie 1
so can we add more realistic things, like in the nba live 19pc, we see a lot of substutions, a lot of more realistic things, so can you add it in the season 6, thanks!


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