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Royal/purple court VS Super/platinum court

Why are the purple-colored courts more expensive (4.8M to 5.5M coins in average) than Super or platinum-colored courts that give +6 speed (2.5M to 4M coins)?

I would understand the other platinum/super that give lousy stats but +6 speed at 3M something, while +3speed margaret court (purple) costs almost twice that for about 5.5 to 5.7M?

I am aware of the balanced lineup but there are royal/purple courts that are NOT balanced but still priced around 5M. This is quite confusing for a new player.


Rookie 3
If you played from beginning of this season you probabaly could have at least one ultra jersey/court/coach. Jerseys are the best ones as they give two +5 boosts. If you are lucky you can get one from royal items set. The ultra version has very little difference as they only give additional coins/xp boost
If you played from beginning of this season you probabaly could have at least one ultra jersey/court/coach. Jerseys are the best ones as they give two +5 boosts. If you are lucky you can get one from royal items set. The ultra version has very little difference as they only give additional coins/xp boost
I wasn't able to start the season. Thanks for your explanation,.it helps newbies like me and my son :)


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