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Road to MVP Campaing + Rep Packs


Rookie 1
About purchasing Rep Packs, after Chapter 2 launches: Is there a chance for them to count towards unlocking the events of both Chapters?

For example, with Chapter 1 and 2 unlocked: if the requirements are 5 rep packs for the event of Chapter 1 and (just guessing) 10 rep packs for the event of Chapter 2, will purchasing 5 packs fill the requirements 5/5 for the Chapter 1 event and 5/10 for the Chapter 2 event simultaneously?
About purchasing Rep Packs, after Chapter 2 launches: Is there a chance for them to count towards unlocking the events of both Chapters?

For example, with Chapter 1 and 2 unlocked: if the requirements are 5 rep packs for the event of Chapter 1 and (just guessing) 10 rep packs for the event of Chapter 2, will purchasing 5 packs fill the requirements 5/5 for the Chapter 1 event and 5/10 for the Chapter 2 event simultaneously?

Just guessing here but I assume we'd either get new packs or a new requirement to unlock.
It is supposed to be an untimed campaign, but there is little to no chance that packs will simultaneously count towards two campaigns unless there is a glitch of some sort.
Keep in mind that this could happen:

Although chapter 2 unlocks tomorrow, you will probably need to finish the chapter 1 (grab 80 Harden) first in order to play the events of chapter 2.


All-Star 1
Keep in mind that this could happen:

Although chapter 2 unlocks tomorrow, you will probably need to finish the chapter 1 (grab 80 Harden) first in order to play the events of chapter 2.

You can almost guarantee that not only completing chapter 1 but also that 80 Harden himself will be a requirement for the next chapter.


Rookie 1
I read somewhere that the next chapter isn't gonna drop for a few weeks. Having said that, I think we're gonna need all the stamina for the Offseason Movers campaign lol


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