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Review Request: Certified Draymond


Rookie 1
I Think I can grind enough tokens this weekend to build Draymond or Steve Francis weekend, but I'm stuck between the two.
Can someone who built Draymond review him?
Thanks in advance.

(Draymond will replace my Int.Kanter, Francis will replace my 6MOY Crawford)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I don't have a review on him but I'm willing to bet a $1,000,000 that Draymond is better then Francis just looking at stats alone and the difference between Dray and Kanter is much greater then that between Francis and Crawford plus you would end up waiting an extra week to actually use the card I think getting Draymond is the better move by far


Rookie 1
I don't have a review on him but I'm willing to bet a $1,000,000 that Draymond is better then Francis just looking at stats alone and the difference between Dray and Kanter is much greater then that between Francis and Crawford plus you would end up waiting an extra week to actually use the card I think getting Draymond is the better move by far

Thanks for your advice Stewie. I'll go with Draymond and sell Kanter. Maybe I can get a decent card with the coins from Kanter.


Rookie 3
i have pantheon AD, and his stats look MILES ahead of Drays.. im cooking him just for the bench..
couldnt be bothered waiting till the last days for francis @ this stage...


Rookie 3
Staff member
I just got him a few mins ago.. so far only one lvl match and one showdown, so no solid feedback just yet but he seems to be responsive and effective with his drives. Will keep you posted after a good 10-15 more matchups.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I don't have a review on him but I'm willing to bet a $1,000,000 that Draymond is better then Francis just looking at stats alone and the difference between Dray and Kanter is much greater then that between Francis and Crawford plus you would end up waiting an extra week to actually use the card I think getting Draymond is the better move by far

Thanks for your advice Stewie. I'll go with Draymond and sell Kanter. Maybe I can get a decent card with the coins from Kanter.

You're welcome and yeah you should be able to


Rookie 1
I just got him a few mins ago.. so far only one lvl match and one showdown, so no solid feedback just yet but he seems to be responsive and effective with his drives. Will keep you posted after a good 10-15 more matchups.

Thanks man.


Rookie 3
Staff member
I just got him a few mins ago.. so far only one lvl match and one showdown, so no solid feedback just yet but he seems to be responsive and effective with his drives. Will keep you posted after a good 10-15 more matchups.

Thanks man.

No worries bro.

About 10 or so matches into SD with him, gets quite a few rebounds man and can still shoot consistent 3?s ... went up against his Ai a few times and it plays pretty good also.

Not a bad card at all, plays better than his stats


Rookie 1
I thought he was a trash and kinda regret could've got AD Pantheon Master but after several SD, kinda love this card dah. Pretty solid on defense and the good thing he's fast. If you can get him in right position, he can burn those 3's.


Rookie 1
I agree with aramwot.
I trained him to level 3 (108 with LU/bench boosts) and my team is doing much better since I replaced my 98 UL Gasol with DG. He is small but still he is shot blocking machine (sometimes steals the ball from the air when opponent is trying to make a pass) and moves really qucik. I learned to wait day (or 2) before I start judging my new players, but after 10 SD games (most of them against 100-105 teams) he is definitely great addition to my team before reset.

trained to level 3:


Rookie 1
Got him and he is pretty much what you guys said. Good finishing around the rim, very good steal/block and his 3 pointer feels way better than 89.


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