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Rep pack is back


Rookie 3
@jack - same here. Not sure about the timing but i am getting one every morning and 1 in the evening, but not exactly 12 hours. Today waited about 3 more hours before it appear. Maybe try resetting the app.


Pro 1
I guess they felt the OSM packs were taken advantage of too much, lol.

those were pretty generous yeah xD

you were guaranteeing two good golds and a known chance of an 82

with this being only 1 gold, I stopped picking them.

Hopefully Halloween brings a more valuable rep option.


Rookie 1
I said hell nah to these packs. It takes me way longer to grind 50k rep than it does to get 1 gold, 2 silvers, and 3x tokens. That?s essentially 6 event silvers and 6.5k gold (buying tokens), easy peasy. Whereas, 50k rep is winning 16 Showdown matches with bonus, that takes me longer and more stam. Not worth it IMO


All-Star 1
I said hell nah to these packs. It takes me way longer to grind 50k rep than it does to get 1 gold, 2 silvers, and 3x tokens. That?s essentially 6 event silvers and 6.5k gold (buying tokens), easy peasy. Whereas, 50k rep is winning 16 Showdown matches with bonus, that takes me longer and more stam. Not worth it IMO

I guess it's all relative. I was sitting on 1.16M of rep. Down to 850k. Well worth it to me to save 5k coins per pack.


All-Star 3
I said hell nah to these packs. It takes me way longer to grind 50k rep than it does to get 1 gold, 2 silvers, and 3x tokens. That?s essentially 6 event silvers and 6.5k gold (buying tokens), easy peasy. Whereas, 50k rep is winning 16 Showdown matches with bonus, that takes me longer and more stam. Not worth it IMO

I guess it's all relative. I was sitting on 1.16M of rep. Down to 850k. Well worth it to me to save 5k coins per pack.
Same here.. down to 750k.. coins more priority


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