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Red ring of death


Rookie 1
Anyone else having issues on phone where the forum pages are loading but it just sits and sits on the red loading circle that blocks the entire screen? I can see the page is loaded behind it, cuz I can see the colors of the graphics as I scroll, but that white background with red loading circle just sits on top and never goes away. Usually a reload will fix it, but sometimes takes a couple tries. Doesn?t matter if on data or Wi-Fi. My iPad doesn?t seem to have any issue with this, just iPhone.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Anyone else having issues on phone where the forum pages are loading but it just sits and sits on the red loading circle that blocks the entire screen? I can see the page is loaded behind it, cuz I can see the colors of the graphics as I scroll, but that white background with red loading circle just sits on top and never goes away. Usually a reload will fix it, but sometimes takes a couple tries. Doesn?t matter if on data or Wi-Fi. My iPad doesn?t seem to have any issue with this, just iPhone.

I get that on rare occasions but we are going to a new format soon because this current one isn't supported very well by the creator the domain name will stay the same but we'll be on a new format and server (I think) Aram is the webmaster of this site so he knows more then I do about it but I'm sure he'll chime in on this later in case I explained something incorrectly


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