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Question about when the season ends?


Rookie 1
Just started at begging of season and heard all teams reset at end of year which is understandable as I already got 97’s all over so that could get old.

But question is I seen something w this draft position so I guess we will get to keep whatever guy we get in position to draft? I saw a newer Zion rookie on auction last week so I bought it as first top 5 rookie I’ve seen doing I can keep him but if I could that would be awesome I’d only buy up rookies and sell all my older guys if in fact we r losing em all and got to keep rookies but I can’t do it as no way to know.

I heard they give u things depending on ur team rating at end of year does anyone know what it was probably nothing as terrible red based 80 rated cards are there big thing for first 2 months.

Lastly did u get to keep ur coins at end of season?
Nobody knows anything for certain but according to EA we will be able to keep our coins. They are also letting us keep our lineup, but has not been specific if it will be all lineups or just a particular lineup. If it is anything like the lineup rollover of the last few years it will only be allowed to be used in a "legacy event" that is limited in its use, though EA is giving indication it will be more than that.

There was a draft night event that resulted in a few draft picks being added to the game. I can only tell you what I am guessing, but would rule out that these cards will be any more than the legacy rollover cards.

At the start of the last season we got some tokens for completing objectives that could be used at the start of the next season. They generally gave us 80s. If you look in the campaign you will see that your pick comes with x amount of elite, gold or silver cards, so that will probably all go into your main lineup. 90s debuted between Xgiving and Xmas.


Pro 2
Pretty sure EA has said season goes through end of September, early October. We have some strong clues in sets and draft map -


This put is at October 2 or thereabouts.


Rookie 1
Thank u for the replies that is what I thought. I started first day or two of this year and saw ppl upset all their teams got erased so figured it would be some this year.

But I was on vacation when thaybthing came on our screen involving the Fantasy Expansion Draft under the campaigns part of game. I obviously saw the weeks countdown in the top screen and know we r down to 5 weeks. I m didn’t specify what my questions were.

What did u guys keep if u did play from last year. Did u keep nothing. Did u start at level 0. Did u start w 0 coins? I c I’d we work or way up to a top pick u get like 3 red and 2 grey characters but will Zion be rated the 106 rookie card he is right now. What if I buy the Ja 105 Zion 106 rookie cards I saw in auction for a week or two but haven’t seen any in a cpl days. If I get one of those do I keep them as they do look different than all other cards and r rookies or just wishfull thinking and I lose them as well


Rookie 1
dis Any of u guys now on ur second year. One person replied he heard we might be able to keep our coins this year. Was anyone there for last switch did u lose all ur coins. To the person who said they had heard we get to keep coins is there a place I could c what we might keep or lose.

I also heard we may get things based on our overall team rankings. My starters r 106-108!w bench 104-108 I should start selling everyone person I have if I find out 100% for certain that we r going to get to keep our coins my entire bench is for sale along w some starters soon as smart ppl will realize these 5 weeks r coming. But if we don’t keep any of our coins who cares to save them


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Thank u for the replies that is what I thought. I started first day or two of this year and saw ppl upset all their teams got erased so figured it would be some this year.

But I was on vacation when thaybthing came on our screen involving the Fantasy Expansion Draft under the campaigns part of game. I obviously saw the weeks countdown in the top screen and know we r down to 5 weeks. I m didn’t specify what my questions were.

What did u guys keep if u did play from last year. Did u keep nothing. Did u start at level 0. Did u start w 0 coins? I c I’d we work or way up to a top pick u get like 3 red and 2 grey characters but will Zion be rated the 106 rookie card he is right now. What if I buy the Ja 105 Zion 106 rookie cards I saw in auction for a week or two but haven’t seen any in a cpl days. If I get one of those do I keep them as they do look different than all other cards and r rookies or just wishfull thinking and I lose them as well
In the previous 2 season resets you started at level 0 and kept all of your cash which will be the case this next season but you lost all of your coins and players besides lineups you set up that could only be used for legacy lineup events those things will be a little different this next time


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
dis Any of u guys now on ur second year. One person replied he heard we might be able to keep our coins this year. Was anyone there for last switch did u lose all ur coins. To the person who said they had heard we get to keep coins is there a place I could c what we might keep or lose.

I also heard we may get things based on our overall team rankings. My starters r 106-108!w bench 104-108 I should start selling everyone person I have if I find out 100% for certain that we r going to get to keep our coins my entire bench is for sale along w some starters soon as smart ppl will realize these 5 weeks r coming. But if we don’t keep any of our coins who cares to save them
No you don't get rewards based on your overall this time all of the rewards are from the fantasy draft campaign position and about keeping your coins EA hasn't been too clear on the usage of the coins you keep because this is the 1st time that you got to keep them which is why everyone is skeptical on what use they will have next year but for any questions regarding the reset visit the fantasy draft expansion thread in the news section


All-Star 1
The only thing that always transferred to new season was NBA cash. Last year they let us keep our 2 lineups as they were on the very last day but they've not been very useful this season. But in S4 it sounds like our carry-over lineups will be used more often. Also, whatever jerseys/courts/boost items/players we carry over have the potential to be sold/traded to help upgrade our Superstar player. I wouldn't go sell your whole team for coins because I think the coins will have a limited use in some way. Nothing I've seen says it's that important to have coins to start with and EA has a track record of pulling the rug out from under us


Rookie 1
OK this is all very interesting but I am still a newbie I guess. Why would anyone spend $$$ -- or even coins or NBA cash -- for a player they'll lose in a few days?
If there is one thing we’ve learned from previous seasons it’s not to trust their timers. They’ll announce the end date then drain the AH. After that, the game will be down for a few days for maintenance and then there will be an agonizing wait for people for the new app to appear.


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