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Question about the new hoodie melo card.


Rookie 2
That would require them to make new character model parts instead of reusing the 2 year old ones, so nah.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
No this was mentioned on Twitter and confirmed as a no by Brian

WOW,thanks for telling me at least :(

NP I'm not surprised because that isn't something that is actually done in a game in real life plus it's a joke dating back to last year they even used an OKC picture it's honestly lame that they made a card like this and called it "Hoodie Melo" like he didn't have arguably the worst year of his career the year the "Hoodie Melo" stuff started
No this was mentioned on Twitter and confirmed as a no by Brian

WOW,thanks for telling me at least :(

it's honestly lame that they made a card like this and called it "Hoodie Melo" like he didn't have arguably the worst year of his career the year the "Hoodie Melo" stuff started

This a million times over lol. Gotta increase those pack purchases somehow lol....I've still yet to actually see the Hoodie Melo....of course, a lot of the people that are willing to spend spend spend to get him already have 85 Lebron starting and probably 83 Durant on the bench or vice versa.


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