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Quai54 3v3 Promo


Rookie 3
i was not playing a lot and i am at 14k, if i grind hard f2p can i still get a master? 7-8k a day seems right on the edge

just finishing the daily achievements.. and all other stamina now on 54.. 9k in 20hrs
(i wont be playing for the remainder to have some stamina post maintenance)


All-Star 1
Just to confirm, 30% is max boost available (Batum, Noah and Kokoskov)?

F2P. yes

but @ 36k you get a 92ovr wth some kind of boost
My boosts have been glitched from day 1. I was getting 30% with Batum & Noah plus Bell from VB promo. Coach bonus from Kokoskov doesn't work and nothing from Walton either. So I just reached 36k and put Kirilenko in my lineup (as starter since Bell is on bench) and I'm getting 40%. If I remove Bell, it drops to 30%. Wondering now if some people that had DeRozan got even more boost??


Rookie 2
The vb promo shows boost for me but doesn't give the actual boost if I solve it. It's glitched that way but the actual boost is correct.

So no overlapping of boost. It just shows.
For instance if I put noah and bell. It will say 20 percent. But I'll get 10percent in reality.
For coach it's other way around it doesn't show. But give the boost


All-Star 1
The vb promo shows boost for me but doesn't give the actual boost if I solve it. It's glitched that way but the actual boost is correct.

So no overlapping of boost. It just shows.
For instance if I put noah and bell. It will say 20 percent. But I'll get 10percent in reality.
For coach it's other way around it doesn't show. But give the boost

That's how it seemed to me. Visual glitch. Old players show boost but don't actually boost. Current Coach doesn't show it but he does give a boost


All-Star 3
The vb promo shows boost for me but doesn't give the actual boost if I solve it. It's glitched that way but the actual boost is correct.

So no overlapping of boost. It just shows.
For instance if I put noah and bell. It will say 20 percent. But I'll get 10percent in reality.
For coach it's other way around it doesn't show. But give the boost

That's how it seemed to me. Visual glitch. Old players show boost but don't actually boost. Current Coach doesn't show it but he does give a boost
Yup same.


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