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Q about Unlocking Wilt

Update from Brian (appears the fix may not be needed, lol):

"Issue with wilt event unlock was that it said it required 3 heroes but in data required 4. We're testing a fix now (change to require 3 tip off heroes on your tip off lineup) instead that is planned to go out tomorrow.

So, if you get a 4th hero, you can unlock it now, or wait."

So it was exactly as I said earlier. I wonder what difference was between people that got it in 3 vs 4? Android vs ios, maybe?


Pro 1
So it was exactly as I said earlier. I wonder what difference was between people that got it in 3 vs 4? Android vs ios, maybe?

Nah, There's probably a re-roll in the mix for some of the threes.

In the 80 elites requirement there was a delay (or a repeats issue*) between what I had and the counter before I restarted the app so I thought that was the key, but probably not.

I got

* Wiggins via AH - Set Re-roll = Aldridge
* Paul via AH
* Played the Rockets event as soon as it unlocked / went to get the first elite via sets as the 12h cooldown was finishing to own the 3rd 82 / Aldridge again
*Played Wilt event.

So with 2 picks from the AH I could tell panospap wasn't correct about the sources of the cards, yet it seems my re-roll was also crucial missing information for this case :)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It worked if you did the refill set at least once but now there changed it to 3 in your lineup
So it was exactly as I said earlier. I wonder what difference was between people that got it in 3 vs 4? Android vs ios, maybe?

Nah, There's probably a re-roll in the mix for some of the threes.

In the 80 elites requirement there was a delay (or a repeats issue*) between what I had and the counter before I restarted the app so I thought that was the key, but probably not.

I got

* Wiggins via AH - Set Re-roll = Aldridge
* Paul via AH
* Played the Rockets event as soon as it unlocked / went to get the first elite via sets as the 12h cooldown was finishing to own the 3rd 82 / Aldridge again
*Played Wilt event.

So with 2 picks from the AH I could tell panospap wasn't correct about the sources of the cards, yet it seems my re-roll was also crucial missing information for this case :)

I think this is the likely thing. Most don't see a re-roll as acquiring a hero. I guess they got wind of this as a loophole lol because Brian originally said the requirement fix would be coming tomorrow but then they promptly did maintenance lol.


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