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Pro 2
It's the same BS as before. No idea why they had to take it away for so long when there's no obvious changes. Shooting glitch is still there. I've played against ba couple ppl that can drop every 3pt shot they take. Haven't tested out the corner glitch bc my lag is so bad that I can't take 3s. Rewards suck. It's never going to be worthwhile. I'd play it if it was playable like SD but it's not very fun to spend 3 mins playing the CPU after the user quits and then 30 seconds left in the match the connection drops.....smh
Damn Dub, we just had a to the finish close one.


All-Star 1
Damn Dub, we just had a to the finish close one.
Haha, I didn't even realize that was you until just now. Pretty good game. Not too much lag that time but it still caused me to make some mistakes at the end. Thought I had it! GG


Rookie 1
So is it a minimum of 50 cash x 7 tourneys (4 trophies per tourney win) = 350 cash for 28 trophies to get the 25 trophies for 90 Zion? How is the matching in PvP thus far? Is it best to use an 85 starting lineup (full size players) with 65 bench (for lower OVR matchmaking) or just play with the highest OVR possible?
It doesn't match you with players of similar overall. I've used an 87 line up and played those with elves at 80-83.


Pro 2
I cannot fathom how much pvp this guys has played to boost Zion to 93 and get 93 Wilt. This dude has patience I can only speculate about.


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