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PSA Challenge 3: no need to score 2 dunks with LBJ to win

In todays movers campaign (challenge 3) it requires you to score 2 dunks or layups with Lebron and get the win but i just won it with 1 dunk. I believe all you have to do is win the game or get at least one dunk. Im interested If someone can try winning it without scoring a dunk? I dont wanna repeat it and waste 40 stamina.


All-Star 3
In todays movers campaign (challenge 3) it requires you to score 2 dunks or layups with Lebron and get the win but i just won it with 1 dunk. I believe all you have to do is win the game or get at least one dunk. Im interested If someone can try winning it without scoring a dunk? I dont wanna repeat it and waste 40 stamina.

Man I wish I saw ur post earlier.. lost a bunch of stamina doing the event .. took me back to supremacy/royalty days...


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