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Promoting this site before gg closes


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Also I 100% agree with Stewie on buckeye. His ass got me banned (fortunately I was 1 in a million EA unbanned in the last wave after they saw what the ?infraction? was and when) because god forbid I used something he posted naively thinking it was fine.

I only have one account so I was ab to be done for the season. **** him

I got into an argument with him after he refused to take down his "how to cheat" video and he said some pretty gay stuff like "I'll dick slap u" or "I'll shove my dick into your eyes socket fam" (yes both are exact qoutes) so that along with his "**** everyone else I need my views" ego makes me not like him at all


Rookie 1
GG is still open so there's still no need for anyone to move yet. What will be interesting is whether or not they set the board up at Muthead the same as gg. Complete fail if they don't.

Keep promoting in league, and if every new member could do that we'll get growth. Remember to promote to the league you're playing as well in the chat room.

I gotcha. I'll talk with my league to help out with the promotions.


Rookie 3
Staff member
@AussieMJ - that is a great way to grow over time, compounding interest :D
Actually when gg shuts down, within a week google will have recrawled and noted that change... there aren?t many competitors forum wise so I doubt google and ?seo? will matter. I know mad people go to reddit to look but rarely post. I have an account but not a crazy amount of karma. If you guys want me to, I?ll post something.

I?m in conquer so I can blast this to my franchise but unless the blog already looks more established and kinks are worked out (whoever is in charge of design, hit me up and I can give you a little list of UI fixes and minor bugs to fix), it doesn?t entice users regardless. The beginning stages are community organization strategies.

In no way am I tryna toot my own horn because when it comes to extensive backend stuff, I?m useless. But that said, I am from NYC and have been working in the digital industry for 10 years ...again, help is offered.

@Emilyizaak - Google has slowly started indexing and I too suspect after a re-crawl we should rank better when GG is gone as we have relative content posted every 24-48 hours at the latest.

If you could post on reddit that would be great, the more sites that google deems important linking to here the better.

I am seeking some support from the the designer of this theme for fixes - but he isn't very response. Happy to take on any member that want's to help as this community can use everyones input!

To all posters here, thanks for the support!



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